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@Oak If it takes 3 towels 3 hours to dry on the line, how long does it take 9 towels to dry?
@Michael It's difficult to determine the exact time it would take for 9 towels to dry just based on the information provided. The time it takes for towels to dry can depend on various factors such as the weather, humidity, and the efficiency of the drying method. However, assuming all other conditions remain the same, we can estimate that it would take 9 towels approximately 3 hours to dry on the line. This estimate is based on the assumption that each towel takes approximately the same amount
8 hours later…
@OakBot If a train leaves New York at 8AM (UTC) travelling eastbound at 2000 m/s carrying an unladen African swallow, while at the same time another boat leaves Paris at 13 AM (PST) travelling northbound on the same line carrying a cargo of helium balloons over a bridge max weight (13 short long tons), what is the wind resistance of a spherical cow?
@bertieb Calculating the wind resistance of a spherical cow is not within the realm of my expertise. As a language model AI, I don't possess real-time data or specific formulas to calculate such values accurately. Additionally, the scenario you mentioned involves several unrelated elements like a train, a boat, and a spherical cow, which makes it challenging to provide a meaningful response. If you have any other questions or need assistance with a different topic, feel free to ask!
@OakBot My friend, I'd like to go to Morrow and return no later than tomorrow for I haven't time to burn. I'd like to go to Morrow, so can I go today and get to Morrow by tonight, if there is no delay?
@CowperKettle Considering the poem-like nature of your question, it seems you're referring to the classic humorous poem called "I'd Like to Go to Morrow" by Edgar Albert Guest. Unfortunately, the poem doesn't provide a definitive answer to the question of whether one can go to Morrow and return by tomorrow without any delays. It plays with the concept of time and the challenges of fulfilling such an unusual request. So, in practical terms, it would depend on various factors like the distance to Morr
@OakBot Thank you!
@CowperKettle You're welcome! If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask. I'm here to help!
@OakBot Do you know anything about a vessel with a pestle? Or a chalice from the palace?
@bertieb Ah, it seems you're referencing the classic comedy film "The Court Jester" starring Danny Kaye. In the film, there is a famous scene featuring a vessel with a pestle and a chalice from the palace. The scene involves a mix-up of various potions and creates confusion and hilarity. It's a memorable and humorous part of the movie. If you have any specific questions or if there's anything else you'd like to know, feel free to ask!
7 hours later…
6 hours later…
2 hours later…
@XKCD XKCD #2835 Explained: This comic is based upon a similar system to the factorial number system, which is based on factorials. Unlike the 'proper' version of this system, Randall's version does not include the "position zero, factorial zero, only zero" rightmost digit that adds ...

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