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@allquixotic lol @ "yakkety"
1 hour later…
7 hours later…
^ i made this sitting in a net cafe today
3 hours later…
@Nick windows spotlights?
@Bob did you ever consider the note 9?
I bloody want an S9 now. Or a Note 9. But the latter is so expensive. We've got two 5/6 CA carriers in town all of a sudden.
@FMLCat When I found out it was dual-SIM in AU? yes
but I promised to wait at least two years, so I'm waiting at least two years :P
probably end up with a S11/S12 or Note 11/Note 12
unless the S10 is reaaaaaaaaaally good
coworker's got a note 9
a little bit wider than I'd like but otherwise pretty good :P
Soooooooo need a battery charger for the cars
or rather, think it'd be a good idea to have one
I have no idea which are any good tho
@djsmiley2k windows Vista/7 stock photos
@Nick wow much art great talent such amaze
@djsmiley2k charger, booster or trickle charger?
@Bob charger at least, ideally with trickle
> An ordnance technician at a dead run outranks everybody.
One of the regulars at my old hangout before SE was a EOD...
If you ever saw him running, you'd want to keep up ;p
2 hours later…
BOO! 👻
@djsmiley2k just passed the sample pictures through an online GIF creator. Something I rarely do. So, it's a start :)
@JourneymanGeek "EOD traditionally is around 5:00 p.m., the end of the standard workday, but can vary depending on the time zone that the person or company is located in. Most often used in the abbreviated form when written, and in the longer form when spoken."
2 hours later…
2 hours later.
> While I'm not thrilled that Fedora has given the nod to non-free, third-party repos at all, I must say the interface they created and the way they handled the opt-in is very well done.
@rahuldottech fedora is red hat linux, right?
I was thinking about EMV (chip card) here in the US... One of those things that irks me is the fact that most gas pumps in the US with card readers do not support chip cards, and skimmers are frighteningly common. My father, for example, will usually either pay cash or go into the convenience store to use the EMV terminal there to pay.
At some point I was asked to maintain their wiki :/
@bwDraco I'd support it.
Also, more card issuers need to issue at least PIN-capable cards, with the ability to make the card prefer PIN over signature if possible. Even if the card doesn't come with a PIN by default, at least give us the option to add one.
Right now, the only reason you'd want a PIN for a credit card in the US is if you need to be able to use the card to take out cash advances at an ATM (which is generally a bad idea and should only be used as a last-resort means of obtaining cash).
Are you saying you've never had the luxury of PIN-based swiping machines?
@Nick uhhhh no
@Nick yeah. US sucks in that regard
@rahuldottech supported by the red hat foundation though. right?
@Nick My debit card supports both chip-and-PIN and chip-and-signature, preferring the PIN. Why not make it the same for credit cards?
Sep 22 at 23:12, by rahuldottech
> One credit card issuer explained why chip-and-signature was adopted over chip-and-PIN:

“We don’t really think we can teach Americans to do two things at once. So we’re going to start with teaching them how to dip, and if we have another watershed event like the Target breach and consumers start clamoring for PIN, then we’ll adjust.”
See context
@bwDraco I read someone proposed that but banks declined. Don't know why.
@Nick because ^^
I mean, there's little merchants have to do because most EMV terminals here already support PINs in order to accommodate chip-and-PIN debit cards.
A more awesome person requested to mandate a fixed credit on debit cards passing minimum reserve. I support that dude whoever he is.
@rahuldottech sounds like a bad case of friends with benefits, tbf.
@rahuldottech my college campus requires all transactions be made through card :/ We're more advanced than the states? That's neat to know.
@Nick how so
@rahuldottech I think I heard this on the Tonight Show once. Debit+Credit cards. I think it's available with most banks (somewhere) by now.
oh, if you meant how I support the idea-proposer? I don't. I support his idea.
Anyhow, this is way old.
@Nick It's called "overdraft line of credit". If you run out of money in your checking account, your bank can briefly lend you money to cover the purchase until you have enough money to repay it.
" -- The lines between debit and credit cards are blurry because you can run a debit card as a credit card. However, even though the transaction is logged as credit, as the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation puts it, you are still "authorizing a debit (withdrawal) from your account, not a credit card transaction --"
@bwDraco it's an ancient practice. Anyhow, the only reason I see why those cards are made separate is to ensure the inconvenience you mentioned is noticed.
Similar, but sometimes higher. At some point, they'd ask you to take a credit card as well.
There has to be some numerous benefits for the bank in doing this.
My stance is OpenID for everything xD No more cards.
Else, one card to rule them all. How much easier it would be to keep track.
Passport+License+WalletID+Everything-All-In-One (..maybe in 2100..)
well, gn. gtg to bed. tuturu!
@Nick Depends. Some banks allow the use of a credit card to back a checking account.
(treated as a cash advance)
Thanks, @snailboat.
I seriously wish we had longer chat message deletion windows here.
Even if we can't edit messages after two minutes, at least give us 5 to 15 minutes to delete them.
(with an autoflag if the feature is abused, or a limit of something like "5 old deletions per hour").
@Bob Sad cars only in this parking lot!
Q: Allow more time to delete chat messages

bwDracoRevisiting this old issue. One of my biggest issues with chat is that after just two minutes, not only can we not edit messages, but we also cannot delete them. While I am not advocating for an unlimited delete feature, I'm suggesting a compromise that allows us to delete (but not edit) messages...

Why oh why will this child not sleep
@bwDraco deleted messages are really annoying and allow not thinking before typing.
That's why a limit would be in place.
@Nick I meant the friends with benefits thing
@djsmiley2k I feel your pain man.
@djsmiley2k make it play a game
Let's see how many laps down the hall you can do without stopping!
@Bob kinda gave up on the small phone business and figured I cba handling a full tablet so might as well go for a phablet
Voila! Succumbs to tiredness! /evil laugh
Oddly the Note is listed as 5CA vs 6CA on the S9
Should check if I can get it dual sim here. Or even qualcomm
Hmm US version supports band 46 (5Ghz WiFi band). And more bands in general than the global one, only missing band 32, who nobody will ever use anyway
@rahuldottech This works, until you realise your child is the Duracell Bunny and will almost certainly go all night.
@rahuldottech lol cept 2 yr olds are powered solely by air
@rahuldottech Also, 'it' ? common dude :P
@djsmiley2k didn't know what pronounce to use, and "them" felt weird for a toddler
1 hour later…
@rahuldottech as a parent, they/them is fine ;)
> US version supports band 46 (5Ghz WiFi band)

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