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"I have every intention to tear myself to pieces"

Jan 4 at 19:02, 2 hours total – 114 messages, 5 users, 1 star

Bookmarked 7 secs ago by Mithical

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Our story picks up in Jack's hotel room, as the party argues about what they're doing next and what the plan is.
Jan 4 at 21:02, by bobble
"Flinging yourself into the void and hoping something's at the end."
It's mid-morning, around 10:30AM, Wednesday, December 14th, one week until the winter solstice.
"Perhaps," Brune murmurs, noncommittally. He puts the mug down at last, apparently realizing he's been fiddling with it for several minutes. "A plan, then. Before I lose my faith again. I think it is in our best interest to aid Antonelli for now. I am almost certain his desire to end the suffering caused by the Deep One is genuine. So, what is our plan for approaching Zakkai?"
"Where is he?"
@bobble "Androma's Sorrow... At least that's my guess"
"And walking up to say 'hi' is off the table?"
"Last time we were there... Brune and me... There was some strange stuff with eyes" Jacks says falteringly
"Antonelli made reference to him owning an establishment on the docks. If it is not Andromeda's Sorrow, it may be the hotel itself, or another of the bars Jack and I saw the night we went carousing. But we had some... interesting paranormal experiences there that leads me to believe we were on the right track." Brune drums his fingers on the armrests of his chair. "And we know Antonelli has previously visited it to make inquiries."
"How strange are we talking?"
"The table sprouted eyes," Brune says, nonchalantly. He stirs into motion again and rolls hazily back towards the washroom to splash some water on his face.
Darri looks at Kiko, imagining her saying, "The TABLE sprouted EYES?!?"
There's a faint sound of running water and sloshing from the sink. Brune starts humming idly to himself. Which, if nothing else, is certainly indicative of him being on strong drugs.
"I'm sorry, what?" Alex has been remarkably silent for the last few minutes, but pipes up in a shocked voice. "Like, human eyes?"
"Like, a table table? For food? With human eyes? Just all of a sudden?"
"Like the wood carvings moved... I think?"
"Doc. DOC!" Darri waves at him. "Check back into the planning session, we need to figure out how we're going to uh not die uh DOC? You there?"
"Doctor, doctor, please, oh, the mess I'm in..." Brune's faint, painkiller-woozy singing filters back. "I'm on the run far away from you..." He trails off, apparently hearing Darrion and having forgotten he was supposed to be planning things. "Oh, yes. Right."
He rolls back dutifully. "Planning."
"So you want to go back where the table sprouted eyes? That's the plan?"
Darri mouths "Sorry" at Kiko for getting her into this
"Antonelli implied that had he gone himself, they would have made attempts on his life." Brune picks up his mug again and rolls over to pour himself more coffee. "But they may not know our faces yet. Although I suppose our encounters at the church have certainly put a target on our backs in other circles."
@Mithical "I haven't got a better plan. We walking in the front door or looking for a back door Brune... Brune?"
And Jack snaps his fingers at Brune.
"Yes, yes. I'm in full control of my faculties," Brune says, firmly. He proceeds to almost slosh coffee all over the table in his attempt to pour some.
"Kiko hasn't..." Darri reconsiders whether he actually wants to voluntold Kiko
Brune raises an eyebrow at that. "Kiko might be an excellent choice."
"Woah woah woah. I wouldn't even know what I was doing in there."
"Alex might be another valid option, given that they didn't confront Seapo face-to-face the way we did." Brune stirs his coffee and takes a sip. "If not Kiko, then they are the next person who might be able to go undercover, so to speak."
"Why can't the world be saved by a hacking montage or something? Then Alex could do that and we could all take a nap."
"I wish"
"What is it we need from this Mr Z?" Jack says scratching his head
"Information, primarily. Antonelli doesn't know we already have the completed cipher he penned in a moment of madness - that was the main task he requested. But it would also behoove us to learn what Zakkai knows about the ritual, if he is sane enough to speak about it." Brune swishes his coffee idly in the mug. "We know where it will take place, but not its full mechanisms. Let alone how to stop it."
"And you think he'd willingly divulge how to stop what he's planning?"
"Likely not. But Antonelli wishes to find him, and if we wish to ally with Antonelli, we must do as he requests." Brune twists the mug in his hands. "He was desperate. Almost frantic. He would have not have confided in me had he not been in the most dire need of help."
"So just to be clear on the plan, we send Alex in, hopefully not as a sacrifice, find out what this guy is up to, and then report back to the somewhat-less-insane guy we're allying ourselves with?"
@Mithical "Well when you put it like that..."
Brune gives Kiko a weary look. "If you were looking to ally with normal, sane individuals, you are in the wrong hotel room."
"Do you prefer going to my apartment and playing Settlers of Catan until the world ends?"
"Depends on how many extensions we can find."
"Sadly we don't have time for video games... What if Alex needs backup?"
"I think my appearance is too, ah... distinctive to serve as a stealth agent." Brune looks at Darrion. "But we do have a fashionable student who is very good at eavesdropping."
@Sciborg "Likewise, but we won't be far behind."
Brune nods solemnly, with an air of being fully willing to die for everyone in the room, and drains the rest of his coffee in one quick gulp like he's throwing back a shot.
"You do recall that I failed to hide that I was eavesdropping?"
"Do you think that Jack or I have any chance of hiding in small spaces?" Brune says, amusedly.
"Alex is our scrappy nerd. If there's anything Hollywood taught me, it's that scrappy nerds can hide easily. Make Alex do it."
Brune looks sideways at Alex. "Thoughts?"
@Ginger pong
oops! sorry
As he waits for an answer, Brune quietly ponders whether Settlers of Catan was one of those board games that his wife used to thrash him at. He always won at Operation, at least.
"What am I being conscripted to do, exactly?"
"Be a scrappy Hollywood-style nerd."
"That," Brune contributes, helpfully.
"...I see." Alex does not see.
"Basically, we send you in and we sit in the van, instead of the other way around."
Kiko starts looking around to make a cup of tea.
"And if the furniture starts watching you, you leave," Brune says matter-of-factly, sounding like he's on a very different kind of drugs.
@Mithical Jack notices and offers the kettle and some tea bags
"Right, and you're sure that this won't result in anyone's untimely demise? Because apparently I have to ask this question now"
As Kiko gratefully accepts the offered supplies, the GONG of the bell rings through the room, marking the hour.
"Not even slightly." Brune looks towards the window, hearing the bell. "I don't suppose we should start moving soon, in any case."
(@Mithical We're close enough to the docks that we could probably just walk there, right?)
Yeah, except for those of you wheeling instead.
Brune starts wheeling towards the door, decisively, with a bravery probably born of being slightly stoned. "I'll scout out the lobby."
"Yell if the forces of darkness are out there."
The forces of darkness do not seem to have yet invaded the lobby. It looks pretty much the same as it did when you walked or rolled in.
Brune whistles idly as he surveys the lobby, then starts rolling towards the entrance. "Doctor, doctor, please, oh, the mess I'm in..."
He pokes his head out to make sure the fog isn't rolling in.
It looks a bit hazy over the water, but the air over the shore seems to be as clear as it ever is. Seagulls fly overhead, squawking and diving at the water at times.
Brune nods and rolls back towards the elevator. His distant singing down the hallway announces his return to the room. "Doctor, doctor give me the news, I've got a bad case of lovin' you! No pill's gonna cure my ill, I've got a bad case of lovin' youuuuu..."
He is definitely on drugs.
"No forces of darkness to be found, Mr. Darrion," he calls. "Let's get moving."
"Right-ho, cap'n"
Jack eyes up how Kiko is getting on with the tea.
Brune's whistling trails off as he rolls back to the elevator.
Kiko drains the cup of tea and sets the mug down. "Let's go save the world, I guess."
Jack follows them out
Alex slings their backpack over their shoulder [I think they're wearing it] and walks out behind Jack, casting a glance out the window as they depart.
Outside, aside from the gulls in the sky, it is mostly still. There don't seem to be any other people out walking this morning. There's some movement down at the industrial docks, but in the town itself it is quiet.
Brune looks for the least bumpy-looking sidewalk and starts rolling towards it, keeping an eye out for any passersby giving them unusual looks. He isn't sure how many people know their faces at this point, or if Seapo spread any news around to his allies.
It's around a fifteen-minute walk until you find yourselves on the boardwalk by the sea, by the row of buildings where Andromeda's Sorrow is to be found. You pass a couple people hurrying past on your way, none of whom seem to recognize you.
Are there the telltale signs of undergrads around? Usually you'd find people out with friends or whatnot
Brune slows to a stop as they near. "Now we begin. Jack, we should find somewhere with a good view of the front of the building."
You don't see anyone you recognize outside. Then again, it is 11:20AM on a Wednesday, so presumably a lot of people are attending lectures, at least those who haven't had their professors vanish. There may be people you know inside some of the various storefronts.
@Sciborg Jack nods
"Alex and Darrion - we should agree on a signal." Brune studies the surrounding buildings as he speaks. "If you need help, how will you tell us?"
"Uh, scream really loud?"
"Do you still have your phones?"
@Ginger "Subtle. I like it."
"Alex is often known for being subtle," Brune says, amusedly.
@Mithical "You would." Darri rolls his eyes
"It's one of my many talents."
Brune flicks his gaze idly at passing pedestrians as they converse - not just because he's paranoid of being recognized in the street, but also because he's had experiences on sidewalks where passing pedestrians who want to make room will just nonchalantly push his chair to the side without asking as if he's a piece of furniture.
An old lady hobbles past with a cane, holding several plastic shopping bags as if just coming from grocery shopping. She's muttering under her breath and frowning, pushing past your group without paying much attention.
Brune follows her with his eyes, suspiciously.
Make a Psychology check.
72 vs. 58, bleh.
Failure. Nothing special jumps out at you - she just seems like your average grumpy old lady. She continues along her way, the plod of the cane accenting her steps. The rest of the boardwalk stretches out in front of you.
Brune returns his gaze to the others. "A phone signal may be a good idea."
(could we call it soon?)
(sure, gotta do dinner)
ty all
Darri got some irrelevant lines in
there were so many good Darri lines this time :p
Thanks for helping make it an easy session 🥹

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