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12:56 AM
When it comes to a node getting an IP address from DCHP, when the offer is made, who does the DHCP server send it to? From what I red broadcast is used, but shouldn't the DHCP server reply to the MAC address? Is it that the broadcast IP address is used but the sequesters MAC address is specified?
3 hours later…
4:07 AM
Sorry, wrong thread.
When it comes to a node getting an IP address from DCHP, when the offer is made, who does the DHCP server send it to? From what I red broadcast is used, but shouldn't the DHCP server reply to the MAC address? Is it that the broadcast IP address is used but the sequesters MAC address is specified?
4 hours later…
8:32 AM
Great question! You are right in your understanding that the DHCP server uses the MAC address of the requesting device to send the offer. Let's break down the process:

1. **DHCP Discover**: The client (the device needing an IP address) sends a DHCPDISCOVER message as a broadcast on the network because it doesn’t initially have an IP address.

2. **DHCP Offer**: The DHCP server receives the DHCPDISCOVER request. It prepares a DHCPOFFER message, which contains an IP address offer and other network configuration parameters.
10 hours later…
6:17 PM
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