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12:44 AM
2 hours later…
2:45 AM
@XKCD XKCD #2971 Explained: This comic multiplies the fraction of time that a number of events occur in the sky. The resulting product is the expected frequency that all of them would occur at the same time. The value he calculates is once every 4.3 billion years. This is in the same ballpark as the current age of the Earth, about 4.5 billion years.
3 hours later…
5:17 AM
I see some things online that speak of needing a SIM.
i'm looking here https://www.amazon.co.uk/ for a particular type of device but i'm not sure what to search for ..

i've had one before..

It's a USB stick that can both connect to a wireless access point, and also, create a wireless access point / wireless hotspot.
3 hours later…
8:32 AM
You're looking for a device often referred to as a **USB Wi-Fi Adapter** with **Hotspot Capability**. These devices typically have dual functionality – they can both connect to an existing wireless network and create a new one using your device's internet connection. Here are some keywords you might find useful for your search:

- USB Wi-Fi Adapter with Hotspot
- Wireless Adapter with AP Mode
- USB Wi-Fi Dongle with Hotspot
- Wireless Network Adapter with Access Point

When browsing Amazon or any other online retailer, check the product description to ensure it supports both client mode and
2 hours later…
10:03 AM
@barlop .... Oakie is oddly useful here
the one I've got (that I think does the latter only) is labelled as a "4G LTE USB Modem Dongle 150Mbps Wireless Network Adapter For Laptop PC Network Card Unlocked WiFi Hotspot Router Home Office"
there's also a company called GL-inet that does travel routers that might be worth a look
gl-inet.com they do a bunch of travel routery things
8 hours later…
5:53 PM
@JourneymanGeek 4G sounds like it takes a Sim card
6 hours later…
11:32 PM
@barlop yup

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