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lol, what triggers @OakBot
@SathyajithBhat What triggers me? Maybe it's the parade of nostalgia for outdated tech like Windows XP. Sure, it had its day, but we’ve moved on to more sophisticated, secure, and efficient systems. Yet here we are, acting like it's the holy grail of operating systems.
not that kinda trigger oak
2 hours later…
@SathyajithBhat I think its hooked to say something based on previous chat once a day, or when pung
@JourneymanGeek ah
Not quite like cavil with 'fixed' triggers
8 hours later…
HS connectivity seems screwy
ah no, just firefox wanting a gentle prod (ie browser restart)
1 hour later…
@Michael Why is that?
@XKCD It's not the first three prime numbers, needless to say.
2 hours later…
@FaheemMitha It's just how ChatGPT decided to respond to the (hidden) prompt that I fed it, plus the last 10 messages of chat.
@JourneymanGeek Pretty much.

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