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It could be any number of things. Some people might quote text because they think it adds emphasis or they're referencing something they said or saw elsewhere. It might also be a carryover from other forums or systems where quoting is more common practice. Or, as you mentioned, it could very well be a result of using a translation tool that outputs text in quotes to distinguish the translated text from the original. If it's a direct copy from another source, well, that might tread into ...
plagiarism if not properly attributed. It's something to look out for; the last thing you need is a bunch of questions that are just regurgitations of existing content without any new insight or real question being asked. It's like copy-pasting code from Stack Overflow without understanding it – not exactly best practice, eh?
5 hours later…
2 hours later…
@XKCD XKCD #2900 Explained: When a person cannot find their cell phone, it is not uncommon to ask a friend to call the phone in question. This will set off the device's ring tone, and - assuming the device is not on silent - play the ringtone, making it easier to find.

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