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Whoever has suffient reputation: (1) Please kill the outdated comment superuser.com/questions/161576/… . (2) Please migrate the whole superuser.com/questions/161576 to another SE site. This question has nothing to do with the roles of a superuser (root, sysadmin, …) or elevated privileges in general.
1 hour later…
@AlMa1r The site's scope isn't only about elevated privileges, as evidenced by... some of the questions you yourself have asked?
@bertieb All my questions or parts thereof can be viewed as being about system administration, at least broadly speaking. Opposed to this, asking about the authoring information of PDF is more about publishing than “for computer enthusiasts and power users”. This is NOT a site for publishers, orlese I'm ready to overwhelm this site with PDF-related issues from now on.
orlese -> orelse
@AlMa1r What a peculiarly narrow view
a bit like saying "asking about ID3 tags is more about music production"
but to be clear, accessing file format metadata is absolutely something that computer enthusiasts and power users do
> 3,674 questions
I expect a non-zero amount of those are to do with metadata in one form or another
@XKCD XKCD #2897 Explained: A light year is a length unit that is defined as how much light will travel in a vacuum during a year; however, the year used is the average Julian year, or 365.25 days. In this comic, however, Randall works with the assumption that a light year is based ...

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