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Don't try to understand votes. My highest rated post on Imgur was me deep frying bicycle chains in molten parraffin wax. I only put it there to post in a question and accidentally left it as Public.
18 hours later…
HNQs are neat in theory and often very interesting from a 'random topic walk' perspective
they're almost garbage for sites tho
the effect @JourneymanGeek describes already affects Qs and As themselves even without HNQ
effort alone is no predictor of the quality of outcome
but its frustrating to write answers that take time to address the assumptions, explain the why, yadda yadda
and get the crickets
while other better-received answers are of form A:
"paste this into your terminal: <perl line noise>"
or the even better form B:
"Here is what another website says:
> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean vitae suscipit tortor, nec ultrices odio. Nullam fringilla felis eget eros dignissim tristique. Aenean ac metus nec felis placerat ultricies. Nulla tristique, risus id vulputate convallis, diam tortor ultricies nulla, sit amet blandit libero enim id tellus."
in hindsight, perhaps trying to fit everything from "halp my car wont turn on wat do" to "which of these approaches to memory management in C in an embedded context would be most performant?" wasn't the best approach
but building a well-organised knowledge base is hard work
so hey ho

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