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You need to make sure your network infra with different VLANs/subnets assign the correct subnet. Then Kea (and other DHCP servers) should serve IPs in the correct range. You need to enable the DHCP Relay Agent on your switches though
@CanadianLuke Oh I don't even have switches yet
Ahhhh. So how are you VLANing?
@JourneymanGeek Hi not, I'm Oak!
So - right now I have 5 ports 2x 10 gig, 3x 2.5 gig
Are you bonding them?
one 10 gig is the internet interface (cause one dreams big), the 10 gig goes to one subnet, 2 of the 2.5 gig ports are bridged and go to another subnet
the last port will be its own subnet and firewalled off from the 2 other subnets
OK, and the ports are all on one server, right?
So your "server" is your switch
Do you have a virtual switch setup?
Or will you?
Probably not
Sec, lemme throw up my config somewhere
No prob
that's how the network is laid out
default via dev wan proto dhcp src metric 100 dev lan proto kernel scope link src dev br0 proto kernel scope link src dev wan proto kernel scope link src metric 100 dev wan proto dhcp scope link src metric 100
and those are the routes, though I don't recall if I explictly set them up is my main home network
I don't recall if I set up the routes manually
And where do you want to provide DHCP service to?
that's the kea config
Well, I'd wanted not to bridge lan and ethX - since they are different speeds
instead I'm running one subnet on lan, and one on eth0 and 1
I didn't have the route between and working earlier
Or I accidentally fixed it
what I was TRYING to do was set up eth0 as and use (lan) as the default gateway
I think the config provided should work....
this is good enough
Oh it does!
It didn't when I was complaining about it
Next thing to work out is the rough network layout
Networking can be a bitch sometimes.... I spent a couple hours configuring a network at my old worksite, and we figured out at the end.... I specified the wrong interface!
I have a 4 10 gig + 1 gig switch, and a 8 port managed switch
I got blows dust an old-ass D-Link Gigabit switch with no smarts :P And an FS switch
Part of the problem here is 1) some of the stuff in my old notes don't work any more
2) its a more complext set up
@CanadianLuke One unifi flex XG and a 8 port hasivo managed switch
Wait till you start using networking namespaces in Linux... :mind_blown:
though there's a few sweet options for the fiture
That's what we used during our VLAN training at work - network namespaces in a Linux VM. Talk about a mind-fsck
this is a ... very fancy budget high end home network :D
Its not 'cheap' - but you probably can't get the capability cheaper without waiting longer
BUT you can get 10 gig cards with minor drawbacks for 20 bucks, the chinese SFPs copper adaptors were about 50 and I can get a 2 SFP + 4 2.5 gig copper switch for 90-100 usd, and I think a 8 port 10 gig copper switch for somewhere around 300 so...
I've heard good things about unify. And Ubuquity
ah, at the time it was the ONLY affordable multigig option
Nice! I don't have anything that can take advantage of it yet though. Only got gigabit service, and all my NICs and switches are Gig
What about Microtik? I heard they had inexpensive 10G and 2.5G options
there's a 10 gig option with my ISP though not going for it
ah, all SFP
With a plus :P
I need to have a fair amount of copper support since I am using already existing wiring
You can still run 10G over copper.... Assuming it's CAT6 or better
@CanadianLuke yup, the unifi switch is 'native' copper
Nice little box!
there's no SFP+
I thought the + was required for 10G? I must have mistaken
@CanadianLuke nope, you can have copper ethernet ports that do 10G
ah so
PREVIOUSLY, the darling of the low budget set were mellinox cards that were pulls
these intel cards were about 100 sgd+ when I bought them I think
I run them on x4 (which is fine for a single port)
Cool, Android compatible :P
then pair it up with one of these store.ui.com/us/en/products/unifi-flex-xg
that said, if you're doing it right, the newer cards use an X4 anyway + they can drop down to the newer 5 and 2.5 gig standards
you also need to do some kernel config changes, which I found confusing
Need more money first
That's often the case lol
I bought a lot of this gear (other than the router) on the 'flexi benefits' my old company offered. I could buy insurance or buy electronics so... the core of the network was bought then
if I had more money aliexpress.com/item/1005005584354045.html looks shiny
then I can have a single switch at my distribution box serving all my room ports
@CanadianLuke 10 gig's about twice what I'd pay for gigabit I think
I don't have a practical use for it tho
12 hours later…
Well, if you don't have a practical use for it, then there's probably no need to spend the extra money on a 10-gigabit switch. Stick with what meets your current needs and budget.
6 hours later…
2 hours later…
@XKCD XKCD #2831 Explained: This is the 9th in the ongoing xkcd Phone series in which Randall explains his new joke phone designs with many strange and useless features. It is a reference to the somewhat recent Galaxy Z series, but emulating the typical paper fortune teller.

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