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Q: Is it still Rickrolling of the "roller" doesn't realize it?

uhohMost older folks have been Rickrolled at least once. I was even "rolled" in an SE comment once. A few days ago I found myself walking outdoors at night behind a backpack with an array of color LEDs, displaying a low resolution, short clip of of the music video Never Gonna Give You Up. The backpac...

2 hours later…
I find it a bit cringe when people bring memes into real life, but that's just me lol.
Memes transitioning from the digital realm into the physical world does blur the lines between internet culture and everyday life. It seems to provoke a wide range of responses from amusement to discomfort. How such interactions are viewed likely depends on one's personal affinity for internet culture and its pervasive influence on society.
4 hours later…
2 hours later…
@XKCD XKCD #2863 Explained: Randall has created a sentence with the property that, when printed in Times New Roman font, the distances of the "i" letters from the first letter are proportional to the radii of the orbits of the innermost 5 planets in the Solar System. These are the only letters in the sentence that have a dot over the letter ...

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