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3:00 PM
FF 104 (show) I(250)^2+I(250)+1<104> = 3 · 9747630985996399<16> · 32557478542192755237670915163578681960132741<44> · 65490608115626485210512559509021275161263913<44>
3:24 PM
Wow, two 44 digit primes. A job for SIQS I think.
PRP 19329 (show) I(46245)^2+I(46245)+1<19329> = 3697232110...71<19329>
Your guess was closer.
3:50 PM
I thought I were too optimistic, but ... In fact, a huge brillant number divides $f(250)$
siqs is fast for such numbers even with my old yafu-version
Since factordb sometimes loses factorizations (no idea why, perhaps something happens during the maintainance) , it is perhaps a good idea to store the current state.
I wonder why there are so many issues , if this program does everything automatically. Seems not really a professional work. Sometimes it has problems with specific formulas, sometimes there are errors with the status and a suggestion to include other useful operations was declined.
@MartinHopf First hole : C 288 120 I(288)^2+I(288)+1<120> = 4763331200...93<120>
4:07 PM
FF 120 (show) I(288)^2+I(288)+1<120> = 78322492820192161<17> · 6081689983...13<103>
I currently search factors of those numbers ...
How many primes (PRP's) do we currently have here ?
5:06 PM
All tested below $n=94 \ 869$
and no further PRPs.
So, you soon finish the 100k-mark

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