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@kutschkem Nah the site. People coldly pushing people who ask questions "the wrong" way are valid in the same way that certain teachers were 2000 years ago. Correct, but missing the spirit of things.
A: For Eastern Orthodox churches, what are the main references concerning Biblical Interpretation methodology?

WyrsaHere is the position of the Eastern Orthodox Church. It is a bit long but I think I've gotten everything packed into here. I've trimmed away off topic issues as best i could. A Christian should know the content of his religion as taught by the Church. He should be guided in studying what the Chu...

Oh that was a fun one to answer. :)
So... can things even be answered if the original poster of the question hasn't been online for awhile?
1 hour later…
When flagging a question to be on a different stack exchange, why does it only display ours? sigh
2 hours later…
@Wyrsa Is it important for a question whether the one who asked is still around? There are thousands of people who read posts.
For every one person asking a question, there will be many people who have the same question, but don't ask.
Yeah, but as I dig through questions without an accepted answer and see upvoted +50 or +100 I question why it isn't marked as "closed"
4 hours later…
@Wyrsa In an SE site, being marked as "closed" is a bad thing; it means at its current state the Q doesn't meet the community policy of that site: it can be not having enough details, it can be "off topic" (i.e. not a topic covered in Christianity.SE, which then may be a candidate for other site), it can be a duplicate, it can be because by nature of the topic or the phrasing of the question it would lead to a subjective answer. Any of those reasons would result in a Q getting "closed".
Now someone may edit the Q enough to be a good candidate, so would vote "Reopen". But when it's in the "closed" state, no-one can contribute an answer to it.
What you probably mean as "closed" is what we mean as "Accepted" (having an answer with a checkmark next to it). Yes, there are a lot of questions having answers without "Accepted" mark. And yes, when the OP has long been inactive, there's no way for an answer to be "Accepted". In lieu of that, the answer with the highest vote is regarded by the community as the best answer so far. Sometimes when I see a question where none of the answers satisfy me, I contribute my own.
The goal of an SE site is to collect good, vetted questions, worthwhile to keep as an Q&A library. When we understand this, even though the OP is no longer active for years, the Q is still valuable to keep, whether it has an accepted answer or not. I want to thank you @Wyrsa for contributing many answers to eastern-orthodox related questions. If you find a question "missing the spirit of things", you can provide your own question and answer it yourself!

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