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Q: Major error/misprint in introduction of Oxford World Classics AKJV with Apocrypha or am I missing something?

Matt HarperI have recently acquired the Oxford World Classic’s edition of the Authorized King James Version of the Bible with the Apocrypha and I was reading through the introduction when I stumbled upon this very odd passage and seemingly incorrect passage. I know very well that the academic consensus on ...

7 hours later…
@GratefulDisciple Checking in here to avoid further discussion where it doesn't belong.
6 hours later…
Q: What are the fundamental reasons why Jews do not believe that Christ is the messiah?

Connor JonesAccording to the Jews Christ did not meet the requirements to the messiah, but II am interested in knowing what is the fundamental reason why the Jews reject Christ as being the messiah?

2 hours later…
Q: When did the Catholic Church first introduce the veneration of Mary?

LesleyThere does not appear to be any evidence for Marian veneration during the first and second century. As far as I am aware, the Didiche (also known as The Teachings of the Apostles) and the Epistle of Barnabas (both of which tend to be considered first-century) do not mention Mary at all. The phrase "

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