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6:03 PM
@GratefulDisciple I have had it in print. Game of Thrones is a fusion of High Middle Ages and Magic with dragons. It's deliberately gritty and edgy, so surely not for all tastes. House of dragons goes into stuff like incest casually, as well as the murder of kids for political purposes. Feel free to give it a pass, my wife does not care for it.
@GratefulDisciple I completely get that approach. The missus and I watch "The Chosen" together, we are up to Episode 8 of Season 4. Some slow episodes, in terms of pacing, but all in all a good effort that we enjoy together.
5 hours later…
11:31 PM
Q: Does the Tanakh specifically say that the messiah would be through a male linage or could it be through the female linage?

Connor JonesI am currently looking into Judaism after being a Christian for a few years, the reason being that I do not see how Christ could possibly be the Messiah, when he diid not meet it's requirements, but does the Tanakh specifically say the messiah would be through a male linage?

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