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Q: Does the Quran claim that the Christian’s believe that Jesus is the literal offspring of god, and do they?

iln nThis has been crossing my mind for quite a while now I’ve seen some people claim that the Quran claims that Christian’s believe that Jesus is the literal son of god, those people then claim that they don’t believe that he’s the literal son of god, rather that that’s a title. This, in their head, ...

2 hours later…
Q: Does a Sunday Celebration in the Absence of a Priest fulfill the holy day of obligation?

Luke HillI was on vacation and the only service I had access to was a SCAP service (Sunday Celebration in the Absence of a Priest). Communion was distributed but they were pre-concentrated hosts (no words of institution during the service). Does this count towards the Sunday obligation? And if not, why is...

3 hours later…
Q: What is the reason for the priest taking the Eucharist without distributing it to the people at mass?

Kerry BruceA member of my Australian home group told us that he attended a Catholic mass many years ago. He was shocked when the priest consumed the bread and wine, but didn’t give any bread and wine to the congregation during mass. Would this have been a special event that my friend wasn’t aware of and wa...

16 hours later…
Q: What is the cause of the re-emergence of premillennialism?

Dark MalthorpRevelation 20:1-10 speaks of Christ reigning for a thousand years, which is taken as a literal kingdom of Jesus on earth after his second coming by premillennialists. Amillennialists, on the other hand, understand the thousand-year-reign of Christ to refer to the era of the church, which will con...

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