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Q: What lines of evidence and arguments refute the notion that the gospels are nothing more than dismissible 'reports of reports of reports of reports'?

MarkIn a previous question addressing skeptical analogies aiming to cast doubt on the evidential worth of testimonies for extraordinary claims, I cited this source which I'd like to revisit here with a different focus: Stephen Meyer: And then that there were reports that he had been, that he had app...

@curiousdannii maybe we need to update tag guidance (or even just add tags), but FYI re recent RLDS questions, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (lds tag) and the Community of Christ (formerly known as RLDS) are distinct religions.
@HoldToTheRod It's an offshoot, so it seems as applicable as using the catholic tag for catholic offshoots. Of course adding additional tags would be good too.
@HoldToTheRod Though I didn't realise they claim to be Trinitarian, which really puts them at quite a distance from the main LDS denomination. Might be worth a Meta discussion to decide whether such questions should be tagged LDS or not.

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