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@LukeHill nice, that could have been a series!
I made an attempt to a blog on how to ask good question on catholic365, but the lack of engagement made it pretty unfun.
5 hours later…
@PeterTurner I think there is now a glut of blog / forums in so many platforms that unless one is a "celebrity" or hit a nerve of a particular audience, it's hard to gain traction. I notice the disparity even among the blogs that I frequently visit. Not only that, you have to maintain your blog "fresh" with new posts and appeal to your readers for "subscribe". Roger Olson is very mindful to post new things and responsive to his readers but Joel E. Anderson's blog is silent lately.
Bishop Barron "hit a nerve" (found a niche) and with his social media manager achieved really great things. I'm very happy with their Word on Fire ministry; Bishop Barron is truly a role model bishop. Gavin Ortlund is a rising star and recognizing the niche he even quit being a pastor so he can keep researching historical theology and talk about it in his Truth Unites channel.
And I'm glad that Edward Feser's blog (also on blogspot.com @LukeHill) is still going strong, going on for 15 years now! I think if you're a professor / well-published author / pastor of a megachurch, you're set to have an active blog as long as you keep it frresh.
Q: What is the significance of the LDS claim that apostolic succession was lost till Joseph Smith was granted divine authority

LesleyI was recently in conversation with a lady who is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. She said they are the "true" church because apostolic authority was lost after the death of Jesus' 12 disciples, and that authority was not regained until Joseph Smith met with Moroni (s...

@LukeHill I came across a review / summary article of Ed Feser's latest book All One in Christ on Critical Race Theory: its logical flaws and lack of basis in social science, as well as the Catholic Church's alternative solution. Have you heard much about student attitudes on CRT on your campus? @PeterTurner First time I saw that acronymn I immediately thought of a certain type of computer monitor. If you do that too, we're old !
I couldn't believe people are still interested in CRT monitor in 2023! I dumped my heavy 21" Sony monitor a long time ago.
@GratefulDisciple My son keeps trying to score CRT's off the side of the road so he can play Super Mario in its original glory.
2 hours later…
Q: Are Catholic children given Saints' names on Confirmation?

Kadalikatt Joseph SibichanIn a paragraph of the write-up on Roman Catholic Saints at britannica.com , it is written that many Catholics take or are given a saint’s name for their Confirmation. Normally, a Catholic child on its Baptism is given a saint's name which may be different from the child' s name as entered in civ...

Q: According to bishop Berkeley how does trinitarian doctrine "God the Son (Jesus Christ)" apply to his subjective idealism?

WisemanSince Christian doctrine of Trinity defines: one God existing in three coequal, coeternal, consubstantial divine persons:God the Father, God the Son (Jesus Christ) and God the Holy Spirit, three distinct persons (hypostases) sharing one essence/substance/nature (homoousion). https://en.wikipedia....

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