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Jon Ericson on May 21, 2012

Previously in this space, I noted four characteristics of the evangelical movement. George M. Marsden, a historian of American Evangelicalism, suggested a fifth: trans-denominationalism. In a nutshell, we don’t believe the Church instituted by Christ through His Apostles is confined to any human hierarchical structure, but is infused in all denominations in the form of individuals of faith. We are eager to cooperate with our like-minded Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant brothers and sisters because when God gathers together the Church in the end, there will be representatives from every Christian tradition. …

14 hours later…
@TRiG At this juncture, I think I'd rather read R.L. Stine.
@Flimzy: ...maybe there should be a 6-character limit for removal as well. Deleting "at " was one of the most trivial edits I've seen. :P
@PeterTurner But the way Fred pulls it apart really is rather brilliant.
@ElendiaStarman I've never done drunk posting, on any site.
I really should write a commentary on each of those: what's offensive, what's not, and why. And the difference between offensiveness and immorality.
@ElendiaStarman: There is a 6-char limit for removals, if you don't have much rep. That "at" was screaming at me :P
@ElendiaStarman there is no restriction on triviality if you have >1000 rep (2k when graduated)
@Flimzy >.>
@waxeagle <.<
@waxeagle s/>/</
Oh, I read wrong....
I agree with wax...
if rep > 1000 then edit trivially
The removal of a dangling preposition is hardly trivial, in my book!!!!!!!111
People should learn where to put their prepositions.
@Flimzy I saw that "at". :P
Well, I looked for other corrections to make. But that was the only gross grammatical error he made :P
That "at" was intentional. :P
I had a high school math teacher who always ended his sentences with "at." One day my best friend challenged him on it when he asked "Where is the stapler at?"
So the teacher "corrected" himself by saying "At where is the stapler?"
@Flimzy LOL.
This brings to mind a particular quote...I think from Winston Churchill? Lemme go find it.
@Flimzy lol gotta love prepositions for preposition's sake...
Yep, it was Winston Churchill.
> This is the sort of pedantry up with which I will not put.
Ah yes, I have seen that quote before, too. :)
Speaking of which, somewhat unrelated: Z-Type.
@ElendiaStarman One of many Churchillian quotations of dubious authenticity.
@TRiG It's still something someone had to come up with.
Or, should I say, "It's still something up with which someone had to come."? :P
2 hours later…
@ElendiaStarman I like it.
@TRiG Ah yes. ^_^
Question: Why do Christians think that they should have special rights?

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