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Q: What is the gate-like structure used as walls in some churches called?

JAT86In several Catholic churches online, I have seen grilles used in large sections of the side walls. These are obviously not gates as they could not be opened. I was thinking it might be a "window grille" but had some doubts since they extend to the floor of the church. I tried searching for the sp...

7 hours later…
Q: Is it appropriate for a Christian to pray for angelic protection in the face of physical or natural dangers?

user94913Consider the following examples: Imagine a Christian mother driving her car with her children in the back seats when suddenly, they are surrounded by robbers intent on stealing everything and possibly harming her kids. In such a terrifying situation, would it make sense for her to pray for angeli...

3 hours later…
I would almost say we're getting too many HNQ questions lately...
6 hours later…
Q: What is Nietzsche implying when he states that every priest knows that from woman comes every evil, thus science also?

LaraTl;dr is in bold. Full quote: "Woman was the second mistake of God.—“Woman, at bottom, is a serpent, Heva”—every priest knows that; “from woman comes every evil in the world”—every priest knows that, too. Ergo, she is also to blame for science.... It was through woman that man learned to taste of...

2 hours later…
Q: Why is doctrine so important when salvation is a direct result of believing alone like Abraham?

So Few Against So ManyWhy is the doctrine that a Christian subscribes to such as Trinitarianism, Unitarianism, Methodists, Baptists et cetera so important when someone like Abraham was justified on faith alone? God told him to leave and he did and it was accorded him righteousness: Genesis 15:6 Abraham believed the L...

1 hour later…
@PeterTurner I wonder what's the algorithm and what we to have better HNQ from C.SE.
@GratefulDisciple From what I've seen a question in a non Original Trilogy community just needs a handful of upvotes (which usually happens on mere Christianity type questions )
I think, deep down, people do really like talking about Jesus.
@PeterTurner What's "Original Trilogy community"? Sorry I wasn't being clear on my Q. I meant: what do we need to do so that HNQ will have better questions from C.SE or at least not pull questions that are not that good.

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