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Q: Do you have to be in a state of grace at the start of a process where you receive a plenary indulgence?

Peter TurnerI was reading this question about the Brown Scapular, which got me thinking. If you can go to confession within 7 days of some indulgences and the ordinary parts of an indulgence include receiving communion and going to confession (not in that order if you have mortal sins), can you start the pro...

15 hours later…
Hi all, I came across a Christianity-related ELL question: ell.stackexchange.com/questions/361482/…
I tried my best at an answer that's hopefully close to right, but if anybody wants to take a look and ensure that my theology isn't horribly wrong & at least explains the grammar (or take their crack at writing a better one) it'd be awesome
@Kaia Thanks for the heads-up. I'll (or someone else) will take a look.

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