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Q: Why are non-Catholics prohibited from taking the eucharist?

ytersThis is a question I've often had, why exactly a non-Catholic is prohibited from taking the eucharist, if they believe the correct things about the eucharist, and are following Jesus teachings. Whenever I've found an answer, normally it is that Protestants and other non-Catholics who are not in ...

10 hours later…
Q: Do Trinitarians effectively believe that Jesus is both created and uncreated?

AustinIf a Trinitarian says that Jesus is both God and man, that is 100% God and 100% man, doesn't that necessarily mean that Jesus is both 100% uncreated and 100% created, since being uncreated is a property of someone who is 100% God and being created is a property of someone who is 100% man. I ask t...

3 hours later…
Q: Clapping for a Christian speech?

QwertrlJust a few minutes ago at Donald Trump’s second presidential inauguration, Pastor Lorenzo Sewell gave a very passionate speech, which he concluded with the following call to applause: …if you believe [that] where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty… put your hands together…!” His usage ...

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