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6:51 AM
Hey, I have just written a short tag wiki (excerpt) for materialism.
I couldn't really think of anything to write except a few sentences.
If there is anything bad, please tell me.
@The_AH Where is that? When I check materialism tag, it has two questions and no description.
1 hour later…
8:18 AM
I suppose it was not clear but it has not passed peer review yet.
8:42 AM
Tbh I don't really like that you contrasted it with creationism. I don't think materialism cares about creationism much. I agree it's likely that materialists will not be creationists, but I feel the more fundamental idea is that everything is material - there is no immaterial "stuff". So it opposes dualism I'd say.
I mean you could say creationism could fit with materialism if there was a material god but that wouldn't fit with the definition of a god I think, like for example omnipresence. A material thing can only be in one spot at a time. So it pretty much has to oppose creationism and I have never seen any materialism vs dualist argument, so going on what is more common, I believe that contrasting it with creationism is valid.
1 hour later…
10:04 AM
Materialism: the theory or belief that nothing exists except matter and its movements and modifications. Use this tag to denote that your question is regarding this philosophy.
No extras, no emotions, no other beliefs. Straight to the point.
2 hours later…
11:48 AM
The cool thing about stack exchange is that I can literally ask questions from conversations within our space. Like... astrophysics.
@Wyrsa Hmm.
Is naturalism used too?
12:19 PM
@The_AH not sure, it might be. Most questions aren't really about the debate we had in the other room
12:32 PM
I see.
@Wyrsa I'll see if I can improve it.
2 hours later…
2:49 PM
Are drafts for answers saved if I leave the page?
@Wyrsa They are saved in your login session, but I wouldn't rely on it 100%. I usually save a draft in a text file as a backup.

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