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Q: How do Trinitarian Christians respond to these differences between Jesus Christ and God

So Few Against So ManyHow do people who believe in the theology of The Holy Trinity respond to these clear differences between God and Jesus Christ? The Father Jesus Christ God is not put to the test (Deut 6:16) Jesus was put to the test in the wilderness God is not mocked(Gal 6:7) Jesus was mocked on the cro...

5 hours later…
@LeeWoofenden Thanks for the offer, but I have done done all the moves I can to try to convince you that our understanding of the Trinity remains one being despite the 3 (whatever you want to call it; definition is more important than the label "Person").
By the way, how's the history of atonement book going? And I hope you and your family are healthy and thriving in South Africa?
11 hours later…
@GratefulDisciple You will never convince me of that. The very use of the plural word "Persons" in application to God can do nothing but confuse the mind. Any Christian who continues to apply that word to God will never have a correct idea of God's nature. It is not the teaching of the Bible, and it is simply false.
This is not to say that trititarians cannot hold other ideas of God that are true. But to the extent that those ideas are infected with the word "Persons," they are falsified in the minds of those trinitarians.
Only by dropping the word "Persons" can cure the doctrinal corruption of present-day Christianity.
But that is something that the present-day Christian churches will never do. That is why they are dying, and must continue to die until they no longer have any significant influence on the minds and thinking of human culture on earth. God is taking their lamp out of its place on the lampstand.
@GratefulDisciple Thank you. Unfortunately, I had to quit my studies. My wife and I had little choice but to leave the African continent. It therefore made no sense for me to continue my course toward a PhD, whose primary utility was to be providing me, and the seminary where I was teaching, with the highest academic credentials as part of its faculty.
@GratefulDisciple If, as you say, "definition is more important than the label 'Person,'" would you be willing to drop the label "Person"?

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