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@GratefulDisciple Thank you. I have now gotten as far as Zeno and the Henoktikon in my Imperial Greek / Easter Empire history (it's quite snide in its treatment of Christians, based on the author's biases) and can now put that on the shelf for a while. I am back to reading up on Augustine's early education and his flirtation with Manicheanism.
And I had not ever realized that Augustine didn't know Greek. I begin to understand how that could inform some of his views (and possibly blind spots?) as I begin to dig into his history.
@KorvinStarmast Yes, but at least there are communications between him and the Greek fathers who have more continuity with NT. Still, what troubles me is how both the Latin and Greek fathers were out of touch with the Ancient Near Eastern thought patterns permeating the worldview of the OT authors, and somewhat so with the Second Temple Judaism worldview of the NT authors.
When it comes to Biblical interpretation, it seems more responsible to start there and be aware how the church fathers impose their theological view (somewhat) when interpreting the Bible.
yes, the variation of interpretation is part of the interesting bits of the Early Church era.
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