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Q: What factors, according to Young-Earth Creationists, might inhibit the Holy Spirit from guiding a Christian to a literal interpretation of Genesis?

MarkThis question lies at the intersection of spirituality and exegesis. If we assume that the Holy Spirit guides Christians in understanding scripture and that Young-Earth Creationism is true, what prevents the Holy Spirit from leading all Christians to interpret the book of Genesis literally? If a ...

5 hours later…
Q: Is st. Patrick’s day Chukot Hagoyim

KirkAccording to Halacha, is the holiday st. Patrick’s day considered Chukot Hagoyim? So would Jews be prohibited from wearing green or pinching somebody not wearing green on that day?

12 hours later…
Q: St. Patrick’s day and Chukot Hagoyim

KirkAccording to Halacha, is the holiday st. Patrick’s day considered Chukot Hagoyim? So would Jews be prohibited from wearing green or (consensually) pinching somebody not wearing green on that day? What about dressing up like a leprechaun? The reason I ask is because many Poskim Give a heter that t...

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