@Matthew The YouTube algorithm recommended this debate between 2 Christian theists and 2 atheists discussing the meaning of existence and the fine-tuned argument (that must interest you too). On the theistic camp I'm surprised that the previous Archbishop of Canterbury agreed to come (!) for he's like the Teaching Pope for the Church of England, and on the atheistic camp it's not surprising to see famous YouTuber Alex O'Connor.
I'm very pleased and wholeheartedly agree with the 3 minute opening statement given by Rowan Williams (around minute 2:30 to minute 5:00) who kicked off the debate.
During Philip Goff's opening statement, everyone was surprised that he proposed not atheist position, but a theist position but of "limited power", so in between orthodox theist perfect God and atheistic evolutionary science. Everyone was laughing (around 8:50) that this makes Alex O'Connor the lone ranger atheist and Prof. Rowan Williams blurted out that he didn't become atheist.
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