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@Ambo100 Hmm. Looks to me like your question is "neither flesh nor fowl." The Advent calendar part could be on-topic here if worded properly, but the LEGO part isn't on topic here. And vice versa for the question on the LEGO site. You could ask here about the history and tradition of Advent calendars, and why they are usually in random order. Presumably the LEGO ones just follow that tradition.
4 hours later…
@Ambo100: I agree with Lee that it could be on topic here, if edited appropriately (that would be easy for any of us to do if it were migrated). But the user seems to have gotten an answer they were happy with (they've accepted it). If Bricks.SE is satisfied that it's on-topic there, I'd say leave well enough alone. If Bricks.SE wants to close it there, I'm sure we can find a way to make it appropriate here.
I've migrated the question, hopefully the question would get a few more answers.
I've suggested an edit on the migrated question.
Q: origin of Bulgarian

user1474062In my home history lessons and books it is said or read that Bulgarian were in earlier times pure Turks,but they lost their Turkish feature over time when they met Christianism. Really ones upon a time Bulgarian were Turks?

@Ambo100 It looks good to me.

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