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@waxeagle ...just when I'm going on vacation!
speaking of which, forgive my inactivity (both past and future). Graduation is not pleasant.
heh, I am giving a plug for Christianity.SE in my senior bio thingy tho :D
9 hours later…
@DoubtingThomas lol, good deal :)
@JonEricson didn't notice you were a mod now, congrats!
4 hours later…
@waxeagle Thanks. At the moment, there's very little to do a BH moderator-wise. You guys have the real challenging job!
@JonEricson lol, some days. was surprised to see y'all had 5 mods, but I know richard was one and he is no longer around...
@waxeagle Most days 1 mod is plenty. I'm not sure why we need one more, but I won't look a gift horse in the mouth. ;-)
@JonEricson yse
5 hours later…
Q: Should the end-of-the-world tag be a synonym?

DJClayworthWe have synonym tags 'end-times' and 'apocalyse' that correctly are synonyms of 'eschatology'. However 'end=of-the-world' doesn't seem to be a synonym. Should it be? Would someone like to make it one?

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