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12:54 PM
Hey @RebeccaChernoff, I got a strange bug on the blogs.
it seems it records some kind of javascripts when saving
Starting like:
// <![CDATA[ (function ($) { function HijackedTextarea(t) { var textarea = t.addClass('link-hijacked'), form = textarea.closest('form'), link = new RegExp('(?:^|[^\(])http://([^\s/]+)/q(?:uestions)?/([0-9]+)’, ‘ig’), lock = 0, submitComment = form.data(‘events’).submit[0].handler, validSites = /^(?:(?:(?:meta.)?(?:stackoverflow|[^.]+.stackexchange|serverfault|askubuntu|superuser))|stackapps).com$/i, results = [];

form.data(‘events’).submit[0].handler = handler;

function handler() { if (lock) return;
That happens when saving with the HTML editor.
Should I push that as a meta-SO question?
My bad, I meant : using the visual editor
I can delete it when saving in the HTML tab.
1:15 PM
I'll look into it, thanks.
No problem :P
did not tested it on other browser than Opera by the way
1 hour later…
2:32 PM
@RebeccaChernoff : we can't upload PNG file on the blogs???
Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.
2:55 PM
This is strange as other images in galerry are PNG
3:09 PM
Unfortunately, people were uploading ridiculously large images to the blog. Enough that it was causing noticeable impact. Sysadmins put on some limits to type and file size.
3:22 PM
Is it not possible to have the same image system as Stacks? via imgur?
well. I'll do another way I guess.
But jpg is going to look very bad
with the text
@Mvy you could do it via imgur, in theory. iirc, the SE community blogs use wordpress, and wordpress lets you embed an image from somewhere else.
Ok, I'll try that then
Thx @jrg
You're welcome. Although if Rebecca doesn't like that idea, then don't do it.
3:27 PM
Anyway it seems to be working.
And I guess that's better for SE, cause they don't host the image and they got already a professional account on imgur.

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