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CI on 5ed63bb succeeded. Message contains 'autopull', pulling...
oh hey @Undo are you around?
Restart: API quota is 11058.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body: How to make an array of users skip a line after each user by NickDim on stackoverflow.com
fp- by DJMcMayhem
@quartata Kinda
ok I think we're ready to merge the NG PR
angus's instance has pyyaml so let me see if it's up
angussidney/EC2 received failover signal.
!!/standby Linode
Restart: API quota is 19999.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body: Angular4 -Building dynamic forms from RestAPI Jsondata for fields by Jayasri on stackoverflow.com (@JakeSymons)
@SmokeDetector f
@SmokeDetector f
I think it's an old revision.
Restart: API quota is 19988.
!!/test-q this is a question about a tutorial from toddmotto.com which should not be detected anymore.
> Would not be caught as a question.
now unlike most other PRs I make that cause everything to explode both angus and I have run this many many times
so I'm feeling lucky
and if it doesn't work at least the blast will be contained to angus's instance
Should be pretty clean. If it isn't and everything breaks, we've got a ton of time until spam hour.
angus approved the changes by the way
so all the green checkmarks are there
@ArtOfCode smokey@charcoal-se just goes to admins, right?
Hi all, reporting rude answer: math.stackexchange.com/a/2554144/32803
@FrenzyLi thank you
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer: List the members of these sets. by user510907 on math.SE
@Glorfindel Post 1: Already recently reported [ MS ]
tpu- by DJMcMayhem
it's gone
Wow that's quick, thanks too
@Undo pretty sure
sounds right
assuming they have the mail stuff set up
did tripleee ever get their email
@Undo so are we going to push the button? i'm ready to rumble, just needed to fix a merge conflict
I'm about to go to lunch :P
but really, you don't need me around. I probably know less about this stuff than you do now.
but only you can actually merge it
that's the problem, I need a responsible person around
and no one lives in the objectively best time zone with me
check your inbox
oh well that'd do the trick I guess
It's either temporary or it's not. We'll see.
CI on 29b8972 succeeded.
that was actually pretty fast
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 29b8972 (quartata: Merge pull request #1135 from quartata/master) (running on angussidney/EC2)
@quartata plz send teh coffee
and we are live
I'm out for a while. Probably back in a few hours. Have fun :)
Restart: API quota is 19742.
Alive in SOBotics
if you break it please do so in an entertaining manner
Alive in SOCVR
@Undo ok I'll be sure
and alive in Meta Tavern
!!/invite 30332 debug,all,experimental
@quartata I'll now send messages with types debug,all,experimental to room 30332 on stackexchange.com. (Note that this will not persist after restarts.)
!!/tea ArtOfCode
@quartata brews a cup of jasmine tea for @ArtOfCode
Restart: API quota is 19717.
!!/errorlogs 50
!!/errorlogs 100
sd 2del-force
Restart: API quota is 19709.
File "/home/ubuntu/charcoal/SmokeDetector/ChatExchange/chatexchange/client.py", line 223, in _do_action_despite_throttling
response = self._br.send_message(room_id, text)

File "/home/ubuntu/charcoal/SmokeDetector/ChatExchange/chatexchange/browser.py", line 312, in send_message
{'text': text})

File "/home/ubuntu/charcoal/SmokeDetector/ChatExchange/chatexchange/browser.py", line 133, in post_fkeyed
return self.post(url, data, headers)

File "/home/ubuntu/charcoal/SmokeDetector/ChatExchange/chatexchange/browser.py", line 113, in post
never seen that before
I think it's OK now
@quartata angussidney/EC2
@SmokeDetector del-force
@quartata It's Jeff Atwood's fault.
there you go
I think we're good but just keep in mind who's fault it is if something does go wrong ^^
@Undo aye
you know from a slightly more philosophical perspective this kinda all is Atwood's fault
would spammers spam SE if SE didn't exist?
I think Smokey's got it figured out
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer: Your account is not in good standing - Unlisted YouTube videos by Tican on webapps.SE
@SmokeDetector k
tpu- by DJMcMayhem
slam dunk
what a great post to kick this off with
let me check to see if it gets reported to Tavern
I guess it won't because it's already ded
Restart: API quota is 19560.
oh what
!!/errorlogs 50
File "/home/ubuntu/charcoal/SmokeDetector/ChatExchange/chatexchange/client.py", line 223, in _do_action_despite_throttling
response = self._br.send_message(room_id, text)

File "/home/ubuntu/charcoal/SmokeDetector/ChatExchange/chatexchange/browser.py", line 312, in send_message
{'text': text})

File "/home/ubuntu/charcoal/SmokeDetector/ChatExchange/chatexchange/browser.py", line 133, in post_fkeyed
return self.post(url, data, headers)

File "/home/ubuntu/charcoal/SmokeDetector/ChatExchange/chatexchange/browser.py", line 113, in post
why does it do that
> requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 500 Server Error
that has to be a CE thing
maybe I'll put a try there
it's from send_messages
uh oh
it turns out that message it was trying to send earlier was this:
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, 21 mins ago, by SmokeDetector
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword with email in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer: What is this advertisement on the bottom-left of a YouTube video? by Tican on webapps.SE
ok I'll put a try in there since apparently CE doesn't do it for you when you call the client directly
oh well
@JeremyBanks do you know what a 500 error on /messages/new could be?
@SmokeDetector ignore
@quartata Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
hmm not sure tavern posts are getting delayed
@quartata are you sending a valid fkey?
@rene oh of course
nothing would be working otherwise
it's being done through CE at any rate
@quartata I can repro a 500 on that end-point if the payload is missing an fkey
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: "pros and cons" vs "advantages and disadvantages" by alijah on ell.SE
tpu- by Videonauth
tpu- by Videonauth
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer: Difference between HTTP and HTTPClient in angular 4? by sergeome on stackoverflow.com (@JakeSymons)
@SmokeDetector why
@Videonauth Post - Username similar to website
fp- by Videonauth
@SmokeDetector Well, that's helpful. :P
@Catija No such command well, that's helpful. :p.
@SmokeDetector Oh the sass
Sassybot should be your name.
@DJMcMayhem No such command oh the sass.
Hmm that's new
Isn't smokey not supposed to respond to unknown commands?
I feel like I've responded to stuff in the past and not had it reply... so yes?
@Catija Yeah thats new
@quartata ^
@ByteCommander It's Seth's fault.
There you go, you're innocent.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body: extracting the data inform of text on <script type by Patrick Navarro on stackoverflow.com (@JakeSymons)
@SmokeDetector why
@DJMcMayhem Body - Position 12620-12629: skin care
@SmokeDetector f
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, no whitespace in body: Ajax not saving evertything to database by John on stackoverflow.com (@JakeSymons)
tpu- by Videonauth
@Videonauth That is not a tpu-. tpu- means this user is a spammer/troll, blacklist them. This is just vandalism, which is a true positive, but we don't want them blacklisted for vandalizing their own posts.
This is just tp-, or v
@SmokeDetector v
@DJMcMayhem That message is not a report.
@SmokeDetector v
@DJMcMayhem Registered question as true positive. If you want to blacklist the poster, use trueu or tpu.
It seems like smokey is more talkative then normal right now
Isn't v a synonym of tp-, not tp?
@DJMcMayhem User removed from blacklist (9063287 on stackoverflow.com).
@DJMcMayhem nope
f fp-
notspam fp-
k tpu-
spam tpu-
rude tpu-
abuse tpu-
abusive tpu-
offensive tpu-
vandalism tp-
n naa-
@DJMcMayhem you can write "vandalism"
@DJMcMayhem I'm SmokeDetector a bot that detects spam and offensive posts on the network and posts alerts to chat. A command list is available here.
@SmokeDetector vandalism
@WELZ Registered question as true positive. If you want to blacklist the poster, use trueu or tpu.
tp- by DavidPostill
> use v, vand or vandalism for posts that have been vandalised and the vandalism edit should be rolled back (equivalent to tp-)
My point is that smokey shouldn't respond
That's the '-' part of 'tp-'
@DJMcMayhem you're right, I see now
Right now, smokey's also responding to non-commands, which is unusual
For example...
@SmokeDetector not a command
@DJMcMayhem No such command class="mention">@smokedetector</span> not a command.
@DJMcMayhem ok
Restart: API quota is 18713.
@DJMcMayhem it’s status-bydesign, but we didn’t expect it to be triggered so frequently
What do you mean?
Is this from @quartata's recent changes?
bad rng ? ^^
@quartata maybe disable the not a command reply on replies? So it only triggers if you write !!/
@DJMcMayhem yeah, it’s been merged now
Would that be disabled for sd foo also?
(I'm not sure whether it should or not)
@angussidney Also, do you know why v isn't aliased to silent mode anymore?
@DJMcMayhem a bug here, but I’m not at a computer where I can fix it right now sorry
@ArtOfCode You want me to disable that?
@angussidney fixing
@SmokeDetector fixing
@quartata No such command fixing.
and also fixing the delay issue which was stupid
@SmokeDetector , but I could be wrong.
@Glorfindel No such command , but i could be wrong.
ok ok I get it
!!/blame᠎ ​‌⁣‍᠎‍᠎
@quartata It's Glorfindel's fault.
CI on 5f48650 succeeded.
@Henders @bwDraco @ThomasWard @NobodyNada Please run pip3 install pyyaml on your instances
@quartata Kinda sorta
Restart: API quota is 18398.
!!/invite 30332 debug,all,experimental
@quartata I'll now send messages with types debug,all,experimental to room 30332 on stackexchange.com. (Note that this will not persist after restarts.)
@SmokeDetector not a command
@DJMcMayhem No such command not a command.
I swear I took that out
ah crap
I did it in the wrong spot sorry
@quartata that's not this room though, right?
@SmokeDetector --- don't listen to them I'm a human I swear
@Riker No such command --- don't listen to them i'm a human i swear.
ok ok
oh bummer I can't amend a commit
starboard is a mess now
CI on 9baa173 succeeded.
@quartata don't worry, we can fix it up later
Restart: API quota is 18320.
Restart: API quota is 18318.
ok what did I do to deserve this
!!/blame᠎ ​​⁠‌⁠‌
@quartata It's DJMcMayhem's fault.
You must have been horribly cruel to puppies in a past life
@DJMcMayhem or you were
File "/home/ubuntu/charcoal/SmokeDetector/ChatExchange/chatexchange/browser.py", line 113, in post
return self._request('post', url, data, headers, with_chat_root)

File "/home/ubuntu/charcoal/SmokeDetector/ChatExchange/chatexchange/browser.py", line 102, in _request

File "/home/ubuntu/charcoal/SmokeDetector/env/lib/python3.5/site-packages/requests/models.py", line 929, in raise_for_status
raise HTTPError(http_error_msg, response=self)

requests.exceptions.HTTPError: 500 Server Error: Internal Server Error for url: https://chat.stackexchange.com/chats/11540/mes
since it's obviously your fault
@SmokeDetector Lies!
!!/blame᠎ ​​⁠‌⁠‌
@quartata It's DJMcMayhem's fault.
Alternatively we can do that
ok cool it's nothing major
> AttributeError: 'tuple' object has no attribute 'room'
just me being stupid
Third time's a charm ...
oh you mean for blame?
let's find out
!!/blame᠎ ​​⁠‌⁠‌
@quartata It's DJMcMayhem's fault.
What the actual heck
it's a mantra now
don't worry you're not unlucky
I'll see myself out
I just don't leave things up to chance
(hit inspect element)
@Riker It's ArtOfCode's fault.
@SmokeDetector you sit on a throne of lies
@quartata I don't understand
@angussidney I feel like people respond to the bot a lot, so it would require a change in behavior of users...
@Catija we only do so now because it's slightly broken.
I've seen people do it a lot, though... maybe not in here... but definitely in the Tavern.
yeah that's why I changed it
@DJMcMayhem inspect element on the !!/blame
the characters, much like the stars, spell out your name
I think that's how it goes
ok here we go
@quartata you sneaky bugger :p
I still don't understand
!!/blame @quartata
@Glorfindel It's Eliah Kagan's fault.
!!/blame᠎ ​‌⁣‍᠎‍᠎
@quartata It's Glorfindel's fault.
look a good magician doesn't give up their secrets

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