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Oooh look a dynamical system!
(also, where's @hichris at?)
What? Flack Overstow insulted Skeet!??!
- However, when you look at Skeet: You add stress to the reviewers, and try to fix them in the post. KILL THIS APP WITH FIRE FOR INSULTING SKEET!!!
@Undo He's out for the week.
@AnnonomusPenguin Was it you who just upvoted my flack overstow answer? ;P
@Seth :(
@Seth Nope... Whistles softly in the background
@Undo It's very quiet in here without him... I like it but hate it at the same time.
> Giving away your hard earned knowledge for free affords one the right to disseminate that knowledge in any manner they see fit, short of verbal, emotional, or physical abuse.
Uhh, no.
> If the "DO NOT" list is violated, I would fully expect a public flogging.
> I'm also not interested in "PC" or "niceness".
Oh I love shog.
Not to mention said site would violate the terms of Stack Exchange. — Seth 7 secs ago
1 hour later…
@ManishBot yay self-destruction of content
4 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: [BAYES THEOREM PROBABILITY QUESTION ](math.stackexchange.com/questions/830176/…) on math.stackexchange.com
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: LEFT OUTER JOIN on stackoverflow.com
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: DISARM THE B.O.M.B.! on codegolf.stackexchange.com
7 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: LINKING AN IMAGE TO A PRODUCTS DATABASE I CREATED on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: DISARM THE B.O.M.B.! on codegolf.stackexchange.com
3 hours later…
@ManishEarth - heads up, the realtime page on se.com is getting a facelift. Not sure what it will do to Charcoal (well... pretty sure it will break it). You can see it on dev.se.com.
This will probably go live tomorrow - sorry for the short notice.
Hey, thanks for any notice :)
Looking at the dev site, doesn't look like it will break it too much. Last time I checked the bot just used a DOM even listener to listen for DOM events.
Looks nice though @Oded.
@Seth Glad to hear that - didn't look at the mechanics of the bot, just knew it was looking there.
@Seth you can thank Stephane (the designer) for that... I just implemented it :)
@Oded It will probably need some tweaking, but overall it shouldn't make things harder.
@Oded I don't think he comes to chat, but thanks for implementing it :)
If you see him, you can thank Stephane too.
Yeah, the mechanics of the page have not changed - it is mostly layout changes. Though the body excerpt is gone now, I don't recall the bot ever using that.
Will do. Like me, he is in Europe...
@Oded No, I don't think it did, but there was another app that did. not sure if it used that particular page or not though. (cc @Undo)
Yay to breaking changes... and web scraping ;)
yay scraping
@Undo - I may have broken this room. But with a reason, mkay?
Uh wut?
This room, or one of our thingies?
ManishBot, specifically
Ah that's fine. We can fix him.
goes to look at new shinies
@Oded If you didn't change the backend web socket thingy, he should be fine. IIRC we don't do any DOM change-listening hackery anymore.
We don't? :O
goes to look
@Undo no, that didn't change at all. GR8. The smoke detector should not be effected then.
^ The thingy. It listens on the web socket.
Oh cool. I guess my knowledge is obsolete now :(
PHP is broken!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Seth Obsolete comment flagged
Changes status to: PHP still sucks!
PHP is an easy tool tho
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: PSP RIN SAVE TO EMS 64M CART (LSDJ) on gaming.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] All-caps title: DISARM THE B.O.M.B.! on codegolf.stackexchange.com

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