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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

figured I'd crunch some numbers while MS was inaccessible :)
Makyen/EC2-linux: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
12:38 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body (42): Android Studio: "Test events were not received"‭ by Napharcos‭ on stackoverflow.com
The public IP address for MS is:, which, when DNS was working, could be found by just a normal DNS lookup. In order to access MS on a personal machine, you can add the entry (the entire line): metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com m.erwaysoftware.com
to your "hosts" file, which will cause those two host names to resolve to the correct IP address. For unix/linux based machines, that file is /etc/hosts. For Windows based machines, that file is, typically, in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.
Adding the entry to your hosts file should allow you to access metasmoke normally from your machine.
I'd suggest removing the added entry, not the entire file, thus once again relying on DNS, once the DNS issues are resolved.
1:12 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (36): Conversion of a value between g/gmol and lb/lbmol‭ by Alexandre Oliveira‭ on chemistry.SE
1:58 AM
Is there a reason I'm all of a sudden able to add tags to domains/posts? Is it something to do with having to access MS by adding an entry to the hosts file or have I gained a new permission I wasn't aware of?
Ah, I see it's part of the "core" privilege.
teward/Thoth: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev adbd899dec (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of mamaneedsaproject\.com by Makyen) (running on teward/Thoth, Python 3.10.12)
Restart: API quota is 75463.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly punctuation marks in title (36): NestJS : "@socket.io/redis-adapter": "^8.2.1",‭ by TheZerbibi‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with a link in answer, link at end of answer, potentially bad keyword in username (145): Interpretation of Phanerozoic CO2 levels graph‭ by Douglas Dotson‭ on earthscience.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad keyword in username, bad keyword with email in body, potentially bad keyword in body (337): Oberhausen Umzugsunternehmen‭ by Oberhausen Umzugsunternehmen‭ on stackapps.com
!!/watch doodlebaseball\.io
@Jesse You don't have blacklist manager privileges, but I've created PR#8200 for you.
tpu- feedback received on [MS] Oberhausen Umzugsunternehmen‭
!!/watch oberhausen-umzugsunternehmen\.de
@Jesse That pattern looks like it's already caught by Bad keyword in answer and Bad keyword in body Append -force to the command word(s) if you really want to add the pattern you provided.
2:24 AM
!!/watch-force oberhausen-umzugsunternehmen\.de
@Jesse You don't have blacklist manager privileges, but I've created PR#8201 for you.
!!/blacklist-number +4915792621427
@Jesse You don't have blacklist manager privileges, but I've created PR#8202 for you.
2:50 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (2): Affiliate Link Tracking‭ by Mark Jaim‭ on stackoverflow.com
tpu- feedback received on [MS] Affiliate Link Tracking‭
!!/watch- gearknacks\.net
3:11 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): Copy protection for android ndk .so shared library‭ by Henri‭ on stackoverflow.com
@Jesse As you noticed, that's something that can be done with the "Core" role. I gave the "Core" role to a few people, including you, about 12 hours ago.
Ah sweet, sounds good.
@SmokeDetector I'm inclined to believe this is spam. Although this specific subdomain has not been seen before, the website virbox.com has appeared in 6 posts (including this one), 3 of which were marked TP. Also, a different user with the exact same name posted another link to this site 5 months ago.
3:28 AM
@Makyen that explains why I suddenly noticed the "core" menu! :)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] No whitespace in title, blacklisted user (142): spdiqwiepqwiepqwipsd‭ by tommy blakey‭ on android.SE (@AndrewT.)
tpu- feedback received on [MS] spdiqwiepqwiepqwipsd‭
3:47 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad phone number in body, bad phone number in title, potentially bad keyword in body, +1 more (394): Hero rupee loan customer care number//7352661356=7352661356 call me‭ by Husoobs Kumar‭ on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad phone number in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (189): Hero rupee loan customer care number//7352661356=7352661356 call me‭ by Husoobs Kumar‭ on superuser.com
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@SmokeDetector tpu-
4:42 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body, potentially bad keyword in body, blacklisted user (128): How does a Healthcare Email List help marketers in advertising?‭ by AndrewJordan‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Url-only title, bad ip for hostname in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, +10 more (1020): keto-fx-acv-gummies.company.site/‭ by magaita nichols‭ on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad keyword in username, link at end of body, potentially bad asn for hostname in body, +1 more (380): What is the expense for Keto Control Improvement?‭ by Keto Control‭ on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title, potentially bad keyword in username (3): Can you describe any unique features or innovations in Wahid Group's speed ball design?‭ by Spammer‭ on stackoverflow.com
!!/watch- ketocontrol\.org
!!/watch- controlket26982(?#twitter.com)
!!/watch-force keto[\W_]*+control(?!\.org(?<=ketocontrol\.org))(?:[\W_]*+(?:s|client|overviews|capsule|\d++|[\da-f]{5,}+)s?)*
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in body (1): Find which of the dependencies triggered useEffect hook‭ by Anuj Maurya‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body, pattern-matching email in body, potentially bad keyword in body (130): I think someone might need this ..does any one needs it?‭ by Sophia Gary‭ on workplace.SE
5:12 AM
!!/watch- elitespyhackers(?:@gmail\.com)?
teward/Thoth: In getting MS post information, recovered from requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, potentially bad asn for hostname in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body (292): will you please give a detail information about best food in kerala?‭ by afin afi‭ on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, pattern-matching email in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, blacklisted user (256): About IP for coding projects - How to protect your own boiler plate and helper scripts‭ by Sophia Gary‭ on freelancing.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body, potentially bad keyword in body (288): Performance Enhancement: A Guide to the Best Oral Steroids?‭ by Karenowns‭ on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user (71): performing HTTP requests with cURL (using PROXY)‭ by uproxy‭ on stackoverflow.com
@DavidPostill Post 1: Already recently reported [ MS ]
5:36 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially problematic ns configuration in body (1): Create a list of issues in Smarty‭ by Chubrick‭ on stackoverflow.com
!!/report stackoverflow.com/q/77144915 "clear evidence of affiliation in user profile"
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (92): How u can find the best NFT Art Generator? ✏️‭ by Mandy Dennis‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Generate Authorization Token ZOHO CRM ✏️‭ by malvi vision‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Corrupt video file - HEX trails off to zeors‭ by Crackmaster‭ on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad phone number in body, bad phone number in title, potentially bad keyword in body, +1 more (394): Hero Rupee Loan App/8293195697///8904596997‭ by RAJESH KUMAR VARMA‭ on serverfault.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted user (71): HTTPS connections over proxy servers‭ by uproxy‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad phone number in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (189): Hero Rupee Loan App/8293195697///8904596997‭ by RAJESH KUMAR VARMA‭ on serverfault.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad keyword in body (100): WebAsha Technologies: Leading Openshift Training Institute‭ by WebAsha Technologies‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in body (1): do you know what leadsmails is‭ by leadsmails‭ on serverfault.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Url-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +5 more (782): keto-fx-acv-gummies.yolasite.com/‭ by vicki nallen‭ on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad phone number in body, bad phone number in title, potentially bad keyword in body, +1 more (394): Hero Rupee Loan App/8293195697///8904596997‭ by RAHUL VERMA‭ on serverfault.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad phone number in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (189): Hero Rupee Loan App/8293195697///8904596997‭ by RAHUL VERMA‭ on serverfault.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): What are the the Benefits of IPTV Subscription‭ by lifeiptv.store‭ on stackoverflow.com
Makyen/EC2-linux: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in body, potentially bad keyword in body, blacklisted user (73): What is the Date, significance, time and auspicious time of worship Radha Ashtami 2023?‭ by ANU SAIN‭ on hinduism.SE (@Pandya)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly non-latin answer (50): SSL_connect: SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL in connection to github.com:443‭ by 汪振海‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (38): Javascript scrollTo usage‭ by Manjunath Karamudi‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad keyword in username, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching product name in body, +1 more (476): Regen CBD Gummies (Scam Or Legit) - Safe Ingredients? Don’t Buy Upwellness Regen CBD Gummies‭ by Regen CBD Gummies‭ on serverfault.com
6:38 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Mongoose validation error when running POST request ✏️‭ by Ujh Uui‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body (1): What is a fulllancer?‭ by Full Lancer‭ on meta.SE (@Ollie @Ethan)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body (1): regarding how to find and run a downloaded .sh file‭ by Jatin‭ on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ip for hostname in body, linked punctuation in body, potentially bad asn for hostname in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body, potentially bad keyword in body (123): Who is authorized to start polls during a WebEx?‭ by Bape Hoodie‭ on meta.SE (@Ollie @Ethan)
sdc watch fulllancers\.com
sdc watch full[\W_]*+lancers?+(?!\.com(?<=fulllancers\.com))
sdc watch jamshrsolutions\.com
naa- feedback received on [MS] Javascript scrollTo usage‭
6:51 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link following arrow in body (96): Hello. We are looking for a freelance developer‭ by 장보민‭ on stackoverflow.com
sdc watch walla\.my
sdc watch lifeiptv\.store
sdc watch leadsmails\.com
sdc watch leadsmails(?!\.com)
6:53 AM
sdc watch webasha(?!\.com)
sdc watch ulaproxy\.com
sdc watch bakeree\.io
sdc watch iproxypool\.com
Could someone with 10k on superuser provide a screenshot of this question? MS failed to get a record of it. Alternatively, just watch any links/patterns in it directly.
sdc watch virbox\.com
sdc approve 8203
sdc unblacklist umzugsunternehmen(?!-meyer\.de)
sdc blacklist-keyword umzugsunternehmen(?!-meyer\.de)(?!\.de(?<=oberhausen-umzugsunternehmen\.de))
sdc approve 8201
@Jesse Why should this number be blacklisted? It's only been seen once I think, and it's not part of a campaign afaik.
sdc approve 8200
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body, potentially bad keyword in body (96): America jackets ✏️‭ by Erika adoll‭ on movies.SE
7:24 AM
sdc watch americajackets(?!\.com)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, potentially bad keyword in body (99): Is Growth Matrix Effective Formula?‭ by Growth Matrix‭ on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad phone number in body, bad phone number in title, potentially bad keyword in body, +1 more (394): Hero rupee Customer .Care Number 9883999150=7908022736 call kiji‭ by Terko Opipuu‭ on superuser.com
sdc watch indiait360\.com
sdc watch indiait360(?!\.com)
sdc watch (?-i:growthmatrixorder)(?#linktr.ee)
7:27 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in link text in body, potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad keyword in body (167): Bouncer Provider in dehradun‭ by Bouncers Security Services in‭ on stackoverflow.com
tpu- feedback received on [MS] Bouncer Provider in dehradun‭
sdc watch vnbouncer\.com
sdc watch-number 8077484648(?#NO NorAm)
@cigien That pattern may be a North American number. If it is, please use a format which starts with an optional 1 followed by possible separator text and has the main number in the format 807-748-4648 where - could be a single alpha character or any [\W_]*+. Alternately, you can add the comment (?#IS NorAm) to the end of the pattern to force also using the alternate normalized form, or (?#NO NorAm) if it's not a North American phone number and it's incorrectly recognized as one. Perhaps try !!/watch-number 807-748-4648. Append -force to the command word(s) if you really want to add the pattern you provided.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, bad phone number in body, bad phone number in title, potentially bad keyword in body, +1 more (394): CYTOTEC.EDU +27737758557 WHERE CAN I BUY Misoprostol& Cytotec in Kuwait City/Salmiya.Sharjah, Abudhabi, Ajman‭ by pillpost daisy‭ on serverfault.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body (56): Generate Wordpress JWT User Token without credentials‭ by Ilias ASSADKI‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer (37): How to customize the emails sent by Laravel Breeze?‭ by Ihtisham Khan‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ns for domain in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially problematic ns configuration in body (289): Buy Adderall online with discreet shipping in usa‭ by Order Xanax online overnight‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in body, potentially bad ns for domain in title (2): what is best solution of creation online store linex.space or shopify.com?‭ by shali jayasinghe‭ on meta.SE (@Ollie @Ethan)
sdc watch pharmacopie\.com
sdc watch-number 1 530-334-8684
7:55 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Historical Balance of Polkadot Accounts (python substrate)‭ by ehpeeeye‭ on substrate.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (2): mobile device managment ✏️‭ by Harsh Gupta‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (2): mobile device managment‭ by Vishal Mahankale‭ on stackoverflow.com
sdc watch dramacool9\.es
teward/Thoth: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
tpu- feedback received on [MS] mobile device managment‭
[ SmokeDetector ] SmokeDetector started at rev 383654047f (SmokeDetector: Auto watch of dramacool9\.es by cigien) (running on teward/Thoth, Python 3.10.12)
Restart: API quota is 72300.
8:12 AM
fp- feedback received on [MS] mobile device managment‭
sdc watch dubaivisitvisa\.online
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): How to trigger GITLAB pipeline from testrail‭ by Alexey Presnetsov‭ on stackoverflow.com
8:53 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer, mostly punctuation marks in answer, repeating characters in answer (203): Elisp: create a new list from a list of strings‭ by Oniel‭ on emacs.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body (95): FE212121E2E2E21‭ by Allen Ouyang‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Herb garden without direct sun. Which herbs can I grow? (incl. image)‭ by netopsf‭ on gardening.SE
@SmokeDetector still alive
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): How to create an indoor gardening?‭ by netopsf‭ on gardening.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body (2): In welchem Beruf repariert man Computer?‭ by John wick‭ on superuser.com
9:12 AM
tpu- feedback received on [MS] FE212121E2E2E21‭
Does anyone know if there's any plan to change the red-flag requirement back to 6?
sdc watch pcbeheben\.de
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly punctuation marks in body (28): how to add database data in spinner in android studio‭ by Rohan nagargoje‭ on stackoverflow.com
9:25 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title (2): Buy Verified CashApp Account‭ by Farid Masoud‭ on superuser.com
tpu- feedback received on [MS] Buy Verified CashApp Account‭
sdc watch-number +19781) 366-8314
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ns for domain in answer (1): Upload PDF form to server via submit in Acrobat‭ by user22606562‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Repeating characters in body (59): I want to learn programming‭ by Halim Tahire‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in body (1): What are the services provided by the swimming pool maintenance company?‭ by forsan anco‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad asn for hostname in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body (2): Pass domain to port‭ by Torsten Kruse‭ on serverfault.com
9:53 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Fix React Native not finding Android Studio and Android SDK on Ubuntu 22.04‭ by Mad Movar‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer, potentially bad ip for hostname in answer (77): Can we release 2 flavours of app with same package name but different minSdk in playstore? ✏️‭ by sky 247‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Can drinking coconut water harm sperm production?‭ by eSytes‭ on skeptics.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in link text in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching product name in body, +2 more (554): Farmers Garden CBD Gummies Reviews‭ by JosephMcAlpin‭ on meta.SE (@Ollie @Ethan)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (77): Can drinking coconut water harm sperm production? ✏️‭ by eSytes‭ on skeptics.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): 1. What is the Acer Aspire 3 Spin 14 Convertible Laptop known for?‭ by Saiful Islam‭ on meta.SE (@Ollie @Ethan)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body, potentially bad asn for hostname in body, potentially bad ns for domain in body (44): JetBlue Terminal JFK‭ by Jason Guidry‭ on ux.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body (1): Remittance companies typically charge higher fees for smaller transfers‭ by Nancy neen‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (2): Placement for image credits/ acknowledgements for homepage banners‭ by Joseph Danial‭ on ux.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ns for domain in body (95): What Is Animation‭ by Dreamzone Dehradun‭ on stackoverflow.com
!!/watch dev-mega-mart\.pantheonsite\.io
@JeffSchaller That pattern looks like it's already caught by Potentially bad keyword in answer and Potentially bad keyword in body Append -force to the command word(s) if you really want to add the pattern you provided.
tpu- feedback received on [MS] JetBlue Terminal JFK‭
10:26 AM
!!/watch airlineshubs\.com
!!/watch dreamzonedehradun\.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title (194): Apple Keto Gummies - Supplement for Weight Loss - 120 Gummies‭ by malindafende‭ on askubuntu.com
10:33 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in username, pattern-matching website in body, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title, +1 more (280): What are the key benefits of dental implants?‭ by dentalclinicdelhi‭ on hermeneutics.SE
!!/watch dental-clinic-delhi\.com
@JeffSchaller That pattern looks like it's already caught by Bad keyword in body and Bad keyword in answer Append -force to the command word(s) if you really want to add the pattern you provided.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Phone number detected in title, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title, potentially problematic ns configuration in body, blacklisted user (163): family lawyers near me |Ph.8800788535‭ by lead india‭ on law.SE (@RyanM)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in body, potentially bad keyword in title (96): Manama Clinic 4 safe abortion+27788679031,,...)))Buy now Abortion Pills For Sale In manama‭ by kijambu masenge‭ on meta.SE (@Ollie @Ethan)
@SmokeDetector tpu-
!!/watch-number +27788679031
@CanO'Spam You don't have blacklist manager privileges, but I've created PR#8204 for you.
11:04 AM
PR#8204 ("Can O' Spam: Watch +27788679031") opened by SmokeDetector
!!/watch leadindia\.law
@CanO'Spam That pattern looks like it's already caught by Potentially bad keyword in answer and Potentially bad keyword in body Append -force to the command word(s) if you really want to add the pattern you provided.
!!/approve 8204
@Jesse has this been seen in more than just the one post? I'm thinking it'd be more appropriate to watch it first. We tend to jump to blacklisting if it's part of a larger spam campaign, so before approving or rejecting this PR, I wanted to get your perspective. Thanks, and sorry for the double ping
11:18 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching product name in body, +1 more (486): Laura Ingraham CBD Gummies Reviews:-Effective Item Good For You!‭ by khyshkht‭ on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body (95): Postgres schemas are common in all databases‭ by Kyriakos Kouramenos‭ on stackoverflow.com
!!/watch lauraingrahamcbdgummiesusaofficial\.webflow\.io
@CanO'Spam That pattern looks like it's already caught by Potentially bad keyword in answer and Potentially bad keyword in body Append -force to the command word(s) if you really want to add the pattern you provided.
!!/bisect slerr-hyedly-pfoasly.yolasite.com
11:21 AM
@CanO'Spam Matched by yolasite\.com(?<!@yolasite\.com) on line 5366 of blacklisted_websites.txt
!!/bisect heew-shreann-xaosch.yolasite.com
@CanO'Spam Matched by yolasite\.com(?<!@yolasite\.com) on line 5366 of blacklisted_websites.txt
!!/bisect lauraingrahamcbdgummiesreviewsusa.webflow.io
@CanO'Spam Matched by webflow\.io on line 52567 of watched_keywords.txt
!!/bisect lauraingrahamcbdgummiesreviewsusa
11:24 AM
@CanO'Spam 'lauraingrahamcbdgummiesreviewsusa' is not caught by a blacklist or watchlist item.
!!/watch lauraingrahamcbdgummiesreviewsusa
@CanO'Spam You don't have blacklist manager privileges, but I've created PR#8205 for you.
PR#8205 ("Can O' Spam: Watch lauraingrahamcbdgummiesreviewsusa") opened by SmokeDetector
11:31 AM
!!/approve 8205
11:52 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad ip for hostname in title (2): anycharts.com how to retrieve Y value of price pointed at by mouse‭ by Adriaan Bakker‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in answer (89): Create table dynamically in JavaScript with map function‭ by marek a‭ on stackoverflow.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in body, blacklisted user (72): Do you need this guy?how was this info?‭ by Sophia Gary‭ on freelancing.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Messaging number in body (80): Technical Test JavaScript‭ by Ali Kbar‭ on stackoverflow.com
!!/bisect-number +19124562239
@CanO'Spam Matched by 19124562239 on line 3651 of watched_numbers.txt: 19124562239 found normalized
fp feedback received on [MS] Technical Test JavaScript‭
12:04 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Few unique characters in body, luncheon meat detected, no whitespace in body, potentially bad keyword in body (234): "Error: module 'pyodbc' has no attribute 'connect'\"" ✏️‭ by Fitness Freak‭ on stackoverflow.com
Makyen/EC2-linux: Executing automatic scheduled reboot.
@SmokeDetector vand
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in body (71): yt-dlp loss of quality live stream 1080p in the finnished .mp4‭ by aizy‭ on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (36): Can I transfer images from the Phone to Windows‭ by jar‭ on android.SE (@AndrewT.)
12:57 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of body (42): A Conjecture On $sigma(n)$‭ by Sourav Mandal‭ on math.SE
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 00:00

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