I still have ongoing concerns about Ramhound's comments. I found this during my routine patrol of the review queues:
That isn't going to happen. I only help everyone by attempting to answer your question on this website or I help nobody if it can only be done in private. — Ramhound9 hours ago
> Sorry, but I can't help you in private. Please expand upon your question so that it can be migrated to Stack Overflow, and the community there will help you.
I am trying to install Android x86 and when I boot to it, it has the grub> prompt. It's Grub 1.99 but I made a menu.lst and i think that's for grub legacy.
You're in some kind of "full on" election mode setting. And time is just on the other side waiting to see when you're going to snap from stressing yourself out
@JourneymanGeek I'm very sorry to say that your fears have come true. I cannot contribute at my full pace any longer and may retire from Stack Exchange completely within the next few months.
I have an Xbox 360 controller next to my laptop, which I would normally use to play Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, but I haven't picked it up in over a week
I think I'm getting obsessed about Super User and this is just not healthy.
The reviews don't take much time, and I don't need to do the 40 in one shot.
I'll continue to do the rounds but slow down a bit and not worry about becoming a mod as an election isn't happening within the next few months
I cannot risk a suspension because I refuse to slow down as requested by mods and make more mistakes that hurt the community
@random is entirely correct about snapping from stressing myself out. If this happens, and I stop contributing or (worse yet) get warned or suspended for making too many mistakes during routine community moderation activities, I've ruined my Stack Exchange career for good.
I am not letting this happen.
I realize that with all these recent comments about burnout that I am in very real danger of a suspension and will slow down the pace of contributions.
@DragonLord as a bit of advice: Nothing that you volunteer your own personal free time for should leave you feeling obligated, worn out or as if you have to dedicate the time to it.