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Not sure if this is the right place to post this, but I recently reviewed 3 consecutive answers by Tony O Hare superuser.com/users/390615/tony-o-hare , and his answers were all pointing to the same product. Wasn't sure if that was intentional, but upon further digging turns out he is indeed affiliated with this Bristol Data Recovery software about.me/bristoldatarecovery . Have flagged the answers for moderator's attention (1 of them "Not An Answer").
oh, him.
Known spammer
@RsyaStudios: If you EVER see the name Tony O Hare, or <english/irish city> datarecovery, just spam flag it.
7 hours later…
Does this question have any merit?
Q: I have a Windows computer providing a shared Internet connection; how do I get it to serve a sign-in page to visitors?

Richard MuthwillI have a computer running Windows which is providing a shared Internet connection. How do I set it up so that it serves an authentication page to visitors, using web server software such as Apache?

I've extensively edited it for clarity, but it still seems too broad.

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