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@nhinkle are you here>
oy @soandos
So I sent an e-mail to team@stackexchage, and didn't here back
did you get my cc? and is there anything you can do to see if they got the e-mail?
i did get your CC. as i mentioned in the meta post, it's never been done before (to my knowledge) and would require manual database intervention. i haven't really heard anything official from any SE employees regarding this. they're extremely busy over there and it is a holiday weekend, so it's possible they just have a backlog. i'd give them a few days.
Got it
i don't have any access to their email or internal info. i can ask a community coordinator if they know anything, but they might not be handling it.
sorry that there can't be a faster resolution. it can take a while for things to get taken care of when all the mods are volunteers and the small staff has so much going on.
Also, I wrote a program that analysed the data in the data dumps for closed questions, and i generates a ranking (that I think is pretty decent) for questions that should be permanently deleted. Is such a thing useful, and if so, how should I post it?
Thank you by the way, there is no real rush
@soandos that's something that you could post the query to Meta, and request that users/mods go through the list and remove content as they see fit. That gives 10k+ users the chance to participate in deletion, but the mods can scan the list to see if there's anything they feel really ought to be deleted. If there are any you particularly feel ought to be dealt with, link to them specifically in the meta post
I get, but it gives about 1k results that are significant. Posting 1k post IDs seems a little extreme...
yeah but flagging 1k posts is... significantly more extreme
while i generally support users flagging things helpfully, 1k flags would be overwhelming, and certainly unnecessary
is there a better way?
by providing us the data query, people can look through it as their time permits - it's the most logical way to do it
you don't have to post the 1k id's
just post a link to the query
(FYI IDK if you already know this but you can use "magic columns" to make the IDs clickable. just use SELECT [post-id] (with the brackets) and it automatically links it
its not a data.stackexchage query. Its built of the data dumps
I used them because there is significantly more data (like close reason) available
oh... so you loaded the SQL into your own server and ran the query or what?
well, I downloaded the files, and wrote a program that parsed it, and ranked posts based on the PostHistory and Posts files
(they have different, and non overlapping fields
i see. well that is a bit of a different situation
I know, hence my question
two possible solutions: post the list in a code block, that way it scrolls
or upload it to a pastebin or something
Full links or just the IDs?
well links would be more useful i guess
And is there a way of loading it into markdown so it can show a question preview (or I can generate that myself, should I)>
makes it one step easier
Preview, or no?
@soandos wdym?
A snip-it of the question, and the title
@soandos if it's easy to do so, sure, why not
Will do. I will post the first 500 by tonight I think (have to work out the formmating and take care of something else first)
great. thanks for your help
@soandos, we did receive your email and I am looking into it.
That's a LOT of stuff...
I would go through it, I have time for the next 2 days
3 hours later…
superuser.com/questions/331694/… Just want to check - I'm considering linking backtrack as an example of a tool usable to get into a wifi network - any issues with me linking a security audit tool that may be used for .. potentially nefarious uses?
@Sathya cat su-urlslist.txt | while read a; do wget --quiet -O dl.txt $a ; [ ! -s dl.txt ] && echo Deleted: $a; done; This one-liner will print out urls to already deleted questions. To reverse the behaviour remove the !. (assuming su-urlslist.txt contains the list of urls)
1 hour later…
Hi! What can I do if I cannot find my question anymore? It was migrated to Pro Webmasters, but it's not there and I need the answers that I remember were there. superuser.com/questions/321280/…
@JourneymanGeek na, you should be fine.
1 hour later…
@duality Your question seems to have been deleted by the pro webmaster mods.. (As the page indicates)
@duality_ you might want to drop by WebMasters room and ask for that
cc @johnconde @randomben @danlefree
2 messages moved to Root Access
@Kars - moved it to root access not many users drop by here
@Sathya - Thanks and may I know where are you from and what do you do? I often find you here very active.
@Kars I'm from India, work as a SQL/PL/SQL developer, and was elected as community moderator on Super User
@Sathya - Great!
@Kars :)
@Sathya - From which state you are from?
@Kars work in Tamil Nadu, from Karnataka
@Sathya - For which company you are working for?
@Kars work for Logica
1 hour later…
@RebeccaChernoff thank you.
1 hour later…
this user looks really fishy
no activity, just posts questions that attract their own spam answers
et cetera
so I guess this one should be nuked
I believe it's actually a spammer network
look at the cross-answers
this user also belongs to the same network
his answer links to the same software site as the others
and while we're at it, this one's spam too:
A: How to transfer music from iPod Touch to computer?

Fantastic4iTunes is a one way street. Hence to be able to transfer your iPod Touch directly to iTunes, you have to use a third party tool such as CopyTrans (Windows). This small app will get your iDevice contents straight to the iTunes library. Hope this helps.

2 hours later…
@slhck thanks. found another spammer ring, destroyed them all.
@Sathya Sweet, thanks!
2 spammer rings uncovered yesterday - same style. Register, add a "innocent" answer, gain some rep go spam then
plus 2 more today, thanks to you & @Gareth,
total about 40+ posts removed, 10+ users destroyed.
wow, that's a lot
And @Gareth please do check the URLs - if it's hyphenated (best-iphone-backup) et al, please paste the links here
they're really trying hard though, setting up the questions first, then bringing in the answers
btw - incase you find any softwarebbs or copytrans URLs, flag as spam.
I've cleared softwarebsb, removing the other now
yep, I have a list of URLs I regularly check posts for, so I'll let you know :)
please post the URL list on meta, if tit's occuring at a repeated interval, we'll ask them to be included in the blacklist
Mac & DVD seem to be prime targets for spam. Another 5 accounts destroyed
2 hours later…
shouldn't this user then be suspended/deleted too? superuser.com/users/70823/user70823
(the first one I've mentioned, which was posting all the "bait" questions)
this looks like spam. superuser.com/q/331870/24500
it is
@slhck LULZ
Look at the users profile superuser.com/users/96621/user96621
They have been terminated
Hasta la vista, baby spammer.
I love how the community is so quick when it comes to that
Its awesome :P
Somehow I have this feeling we've got a hundred users just mashing F5 all day ;)
superuser.com/questions/331831/webcam-over-network/…: Curious. I felt both answers were pertinent. While the question refers to VLC and RDP, it does not ask for a specific solution.
Oh nm. It was originally two answers. No wonder it looked confusing.

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