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@JakeGould While we appreciate your edits, please rather focus on questions that are on topic. There's no point editing off topic questions for grammar, spelling or formatting, since it'll just put them on the front page or the review queues again, when they really haven't changed in content.
@slhck Then reject the edits and get on with life.
@JakeGould Any reason for being so unnecessarily rude?
I'm not reviewing every single edit on this site.
Reviewers will probably accept any edit that improves formatting or grammar, regardless of whether the question is on topic or not. What I'm saying is that you're wasting your time on posts that will eventually be deleted anyway, and it's wasting reviewer time both for the actual edits and the question which will go through the reopen queue.
I'll leave it at that though. Not worth wasting my time either.
@slhck Because I have not been that active on this site recently. In the last day or so a bit more than previously. And I find it rude that you—as a moderator—who understands edits can be rejected feels the need to “poke” me to discourage me from editing. If you don’t like an edit, reject it. Tons of virtual ink has been spilled on the topic here. Cheers!
@slhck: I've flagged a post from this user because of a spammy avatar:

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