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hi is it ok to ask for a Q/A review ?, I just need to see if one of my Q/A is relevant to the site and overall good
here goes :
Q: How to convert HTML to PDF preserving visibility of content inside scrollable areas

Bhathiya-JaDogg-PereraQuestion When I convert HTML content to PDF using "Print Pages to PDF" plugin for firefox (scrollable area content are preserved however cannot see them) CutePDF Writer Missing content Save as HTML -> Open with Microsoft Word 2010 -> PDF (Formatting get destroyed) Is there any way I can ens...

6 hours later…
@Bhathiya-JaDogg-Perera Seems reasonable to me, it's a pretty well scoped question and has a specific outcome required. It could be a bit broad and have a lot of answers depending on the software out there (I'm surprised at the lack of answers) but overall it's not a bad question or answer.
@Mokubai maybe only few really had that problem.
It was a real problem for me, I had the question there from a while ago, I discovered another way recently and decided to update both question and answer
Ah, I can see from the edit history now. I think the edits did improve both the question and answer quite a lot, a good level of detail added in both. The only thing I'd say is in your example picture it's not clear that the missing information you're expecting to see is hidden by the scroll-bar, I'd just put a note after that image.
@Mokubai : thanks, I updated it
1 hour later…
@CanadianLuke Paternity leave? Maybe you should temporarily remove yourself from the room so that others don't try to talk to you (they won't see you as someone to ping).
That will happen automatically
@damryfbnetsi in future if you see obvious spam please do not edit it, just flag it and move on. It makes it harder to evaluate and the only person you are helping is the spammer.

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