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awe man... I missed it!
5 hours later…
Is it me or is all of SE having issues today? It seems to be very slow to load, submitting comments/answers takes a while and lots of little red "error" pop ups...
1 hour later…
Not just me, our entire building. I think we've got a dead switch. WiFi works great, wired doesn't work at all.
SE is having issues today (or at least was for me this morning)
well, maybe it's not all work's fault (though we're definitely having issues here!)
Q: Degraded Stack Exchange network performance on February 27th?

Giacomo1968Subject should say it all, but overall the Stack Exchange network has been very laggy (so far) all day today, February 27th. I am connecting from Brooklyn, NY, USA is happening on my home ISP connection (Spectrum) as well as my cell service provider (T-Mobile). I am not using a VPN of any kind; d...

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