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@Criggie If I'm knocking down a wall or redoing a floor? yes
If I'm mounting a mirror or safety bracketing a cabinet? that seems excessive
body corporates are like that. Friend of mine lives in one, with 11 small houses. They are charged insane fees for insurance etc, more than buying it retail.
but they're contractuially required to use the body corp.
Mine is owned by the government
yeah - singapore's a bit different
and our fire insurance is comically cheap.
I think its worth thinking of this like council housing?
no wait, you're not british...
NZ is a common law country too, so a lot of things are similar to singapore and canada and honk honk and so one
the HDB is a very... unique thing
Also you 'own' it when its your problem, and you're a lesee when they need something of you :D
but drilling holes is fine
$750 :-\
still got hours to go
4 hours later…
@Criggie almost a grand now
yeah - I didn't get it
whole thing is 17 kg, so its not exactly big
Couple hundred would be fine
I'm now watching some parts to see if they're more affordable. But ouch this has been a success for the seller :-\
10 hours later…
Massive fail. I do not own a mill today.
On the other hand, I picked up a mitutoyo dial caliper in metric for $60 which was quite a good price

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