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Q: How does TARTs work (Transient Array Radio Telescopes), and can anyone build one and join the effort?

uhohIn the Space SE question Any updates on the purported space debris ring that fell near a remote village in Kenya? the NY Times cites the Kenya Space Agency. I went to the KSA's News and Updates page, and while I didn't find anything about the debris I found a link dated 17th September 2024 to Ken...

@MikeWaters 14 days? Wow, I'll stop by more often then :-)
4 hours later…
I posted a comment, but it and @JonCuster's comment vanished!
It had a link to TART on Wikipedia
Can you please post it here again, @Jon?
That is something unique! An array of GPS antennas makes a radio telescope! 😀
Argh! Excuse my feeble-mindedness. That was on the linked post.

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