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3:43 AM
@MikeWaters You seem to be quoting from my answer. I included the link to the room in question there: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/153035/2024/5/16
Perhaps some other sites, but not the ones I visited lately. I had just posted in a chat (sorry, forget which one) where there had been no activity for 37 days. Also, why did hamSE's chat suddenly get reduced to two weeks?! — Mike Waters 8 hours ago
I do not know whether you are purposely ignoring what I wrote in my answer. And what is written in the chat FAQ.
This room was not reduced to two weeks - it has always been that way.
Let me try to include an example.
Here is a room Joomla. The most recent message is from November 2023. But the room is not frozen - since it is the only room associated with that site.
Similarly, if you leave this room silent for a year - and, at the same time, nobody creates another room with Amateur Radio as the parent site - it won't be frozen.
If you look at things which I mentioned in my answer:
The room Amateur radio was created on May 16. This meant that there were two rooms associated with Amateur Radio. (Here we do not count the one-to-one rooms and the rooms imported from comments.)
So when the chatroom-pruing script checked, it found two rooms - and one of them was silent for more than 14 days, so it was frozen.
Re: "I stand by what I what experienced." So do I. And I do not see how the events in this chatroom contradict what I said in my answer.
1 hour later…
4:55 AM
Here is the relevant part of the chat FAQ. (From the section "Will these rooms exist forever?")
> Rooms will exist indefinitely, so long as there is at least one person actively talking in the room. A room is considered worth retaining if it has more than 15 messages by at least 2 users.
> Rooms not worth retaining which are inactive for 7 days will be deleted. Rooms worth retaining which are inactive for 14 days will be frozen. Frozen rooms do not allow any new messages to be sent, and are not shown in the default room list to prevent cluttering the rooms interface.
Perhaps some stuff quote here might also help: Main chatroom for a SE site and chatroom pruning
Q: Main chatroom for a SE site and chatroom pruning

MartinI want to ask basically two questions: Does there exist something like a "main" chatroom associated with each SE site? If it does, does it have some special status as far as freezing/deleting inactive rooms is concerned? I think knowing about this might be useful for SE users. And I did not fin...

2 hours later…
7:21 AM
Perhaps some other sites, but not the ones I visited lately. I had just posted in a chat (sorry, forget which one) where there had been no activity for 37 days. Also, why did hamSE's chat suddenly get reduced to two weeks?! — Mike Waters 11 hours ago
If you meant On the Shoulders of Giants, it works there as expected.
That room was silent from July 9 to August 14 - so more than 14 days.
But it is the only room associated with that site - so it wasn't frozen.
If somebody now created a new room associated with that site during that period, It would (probably) get frozen. (I say probably since I am not exactly sure how often the script checking inactive rooms runs.)
12 hours later…
7:34 PM
The 902 MHz band.
7:48 PM
@MartinSleziak I followed the link in your profile. Are you a professor of advanced mathematics?
I'm still struggling to understand basic calculus, in order to better understand some physics that interests me. :)

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