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12:01 PM
Not sure, a bit of an odd one- it's a pretty recent fitting (last 12-18 months) and done professionally
it presumably didn't leak when opening the stopcock at first (had been closed since winter so no water outside to freeze); but it was opened, a tradie used the outside tap, then sometime later the floor was flooded
my guess is that the change in pressure from the outside tap closing downstream moved something juuust enough to cause a pinhole leak at the join
to be quite honest, I had a quite low expectation of success for nipping up the nut very slightly
I'd almost rather have had to redo the joint
I'll take the win for now
but keep a hawk eye on that joint if the outside tap's used again 😅
8 hours later…
8:26 PM
Anyone know where I could buy a canvas (or poly) bag/pouch that is roughly the size of a piece of 8.5"x11" piece of paper? (Canada)
For holding large sockets.
Normally, I can find what I want on Amazon. But all I could find were pencil cases and frilly things. I'm looking for something more like a tool bag that will take a beating.
I actually found something close to what I want at Princess Auto. But it's this weird fire-proof material that feels slimy when you touch it. It'll work in a pinch but it just feel really weird and I don't know if it'll last as a tool bag.
Unfortunately, I don't have a sewing machine.
1 hour later…
9:45 PM
@User1974 There's your answer - time to pick up a cheap old Singer and make what you want.
If yoiu were closer I'd make something for you
9:59 PM
A tool roll might work - one pouch for each socket and the whole thing rolls up with a velcro closure

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