I’m running a series of related posts about in-class TTRPG examples/ideas, and this is part of the social studies section!… Continue reading “Tabletop RPG Classroom: In-Game Social Studies Lesson for High School Students”…
Apparently, they defeated it. As I wasn't in the battle, details are hazy. Party is: 1 Warlock (Hexblade) Fighter MC. I Paladin (Glory). 1 Sorcerer/Warlock MC. 1 Lore Bard. There are a variety of magic items...
In roleplaying games, the play group is both the creators/performers AND audience simultaneously. It doesn’t have a lot of room for editing/crafting, so it’s more important to have clear communication up front and in the moment, and a key point for misunderstanding is games where the character motivations are key and the group is emotionally […]