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1:19 PM
Q: Umbrella Term/Tag for Generic Meta Currency (e.g. JB007 Hero Points, SWADE Bennies, FATE and Rogue Trader FP, EP Flex &c.)?

vicky_molokh- unsilence MonicaClearly many games think alike, having a kind of transient points that can be gained and spent, with the main purpose usually being a meta (dissociative) way to influence events and dice rolls. But as at times happens, different systems call it by different things (e.g. Impulse Points in GURPS, F...

9 hours later…
10:48 PM
posted on September 17, 2024 by bankuei

If you read my usual ramblings on theory/design, I’m sure you know what System Mastery is. It’s the ability to be so fluent with an RPG’s systems, mechanics, and structure that you can skillfully push for the outcomes you’re seeking in play, using those tools. Well, situation mastery is one for games with GMs that […]

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