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I seem to recall that the restricted access requires me validating each email address which tries to connect right? So I'm assuming that would mean I have know the email addresses of those who would be willing to review the file
3 hours later…
urgs... why am I not surprised that among the last 100 questions, only 9 were not about some D&Desque game? and 2(maybe 3) of them were off topic? That's going back to Aug 13, so about 1 month and "average" rate. Buuuut, the last 50 questions had 2, one or both of which were arguably off topic, going back to Aug 29, so half a month, which is like... 4% and both arguably bad apples..
@Trish You might be missing some deleted questions there.
Probably not a lot, TBH. But a few.
@VLAZ maaaaybe, but those are usually soo off topic.. lemme look.
OT, Opinion, spam, the gnasi one, opinion based, missing game, list question... going back to aug. 20. And worst: all those on topic are dndesques.
statistically... we're down to about one non dndesque per 3.3 days over the last month, or one a week in the last 2 weeks sigh. vs. 3 per day for dndesques in the last 15, and 1 per day in the last 30 days... huh... we seem to have had a heavy dryspell 2-4 weeks ago...
@Trish Hmm, I'm looking through the RSS feed and doesn't seem abnormally low. There were no posts on the 19th of August but otherwise most days have 2-5. Which seems to be normal. Maybe it's deleted questions that were automatically removed that makes it seem like there were less questions posted.
rpg.stackexchange.com/tools seems to not have many questions in deleted though, 7 or such as far as I see.
in general... just seems like whe had an odd dryspell of non-dndesques the past fortnight and questions in general the fortnight before.
Don't have access to the 10k tools. But that doesn't show the roomba'd questions
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ip for hostname in answer, bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer, potentially problematic ns configuration in answer, +1 more (256): Does proficiency with an ability check that uses a tool but not with the tool itself give any advantages for D&D 5.24?‭ by Kiera Bryant‭ on rpg.SE
@BESW This one here:
A: How to cut back on pre-game joking?

BESWI don't have much experience with play-by-email games, so these are probably less useful in that context, I'm afraid. Don't be subtle. For any of these strategies, tell the players straight up what you're doing and why. Solicit their opinions and ideas, and create space for feedback about the t...

I still remember this. Give people time ahead of the game to catch up and socialize, then find ways to create a palpable transition into “game time”. Then implicitly make a clean cut and return to socializing once it's done (even if the socializing is to say goodbye and part ways for the day).

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