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10:34 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ns for domain in answer, potentially bad ip for hostname in answer, potentially problematic ns configuration in answer (87): Can a Promethean's transmutation dramatic failure be used to benefit the Promethean?‭ by Kiera Bryant‭ on rpg.SE
2 hours later…
1:04 PM
Q: Is it acceptable to "improve" outdated answers by mixing rule changes and errata?

MatthieuThe issue I stumbled upon today is regarding the following Q&A : Can you combine Polearm Master with War Caster to cast Booming Blade as enemies approach? Because of a rule change made later, the currently existing and upvoted answers are now wrong. This is fine, and it could make for a good boun...

2 hours later…
3:08 PM
posted on August 13, 2024 by The Twenty Sided Newsletter

Reining In a Wild Table of Players

6 hours later…
9:13 PM
Q: Bringing clarity to status tag usage on meta sites

SlateLet’s talk about the status tags. Every single user who visits a Meta believes status tags mean something. They’re not wrong, of course. But what, really, do the status tags mean? Do users’ beliefs about status tags match how they’re used? What steps do we need to take to ensure status tags are r...

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