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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching product name in body (97): Wall of Fire: Taking damage multiple times by force-moving a person‭ by user92402‭ on rpg.SE
@SmokeDetector pretty sure this isn't spam?
@Shalvenay Some times reports are false positives. Like this one. Seems to have been matched by a rule that tries to identify product names. Specifically, there is a list of names and it require 2-3 of them at least. It matched "burn again" and "blast again". The former is probably related to calorie burning products. Not sure about the latter but "blast" is a keyword Smokey searches for.
posted on August 10, 2024 by bankuei

After seeing AA Voight’s description of Beach Episode, I picked it up immediately. I’m always interested when people are doing new stuff with Flag mechanics. What do you get with it? Well, it basically has two things in this short add on/microgame. First, the situation premise is a magical resort/getaway town that is an interdimensional […]

@VLAZ yeah, I was just flagging it as a false positive so it didn't get dogpiled :)

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