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Q: When should code tags be used for dice syntax?

HighDiceRollerRecently I noticed this edit. Here is an example section: using a single mathematical operation is 4*(min(d4, 3)) - 8, or in anydice terms 4d{1,2,3,3} - 8 (or equivalently 4d{-1,0,1,1} was edited to: using a single mathematical operation is 4*(min(d4, 3)) - 8, or in anydice terms 4d{1,2,3,3} -...

15 hours later…
Q: Is it just me, or did the tags suddenly get bolded?

User 23415When I logged on to this site today, I noticed that the tags looked bold, like this: Have they always been like this, is this a issue with the new update I just downloaded to my Chromebook, or did the site change the font for tags?

posted on May 21, 2024 by The Twenty Sided Newsletter

Everything the Many Sided Media Team Is Currently Reading

I just love how SE loves rolling out features that were possibly announced months ago, so that we all could completely forgot about them, until they smack us right into face (eyes). — Resistance Is Futile 3 hours ago
2 hours later…
Q: Why does it require reputation to upvote comments?

Gyletre I guess it could help with stopping bots from bombing comments with upvotes and such, but it's the only platform I've ever seen that behaves like this.. I created an account a while ago to show appreciation to an answer I found helpful, but I couldn't upvote it. It just feels weird.

1 hour later…
posted on May 21, 2024 by bankuei

Thinking about my usual GMing, I can point to three games as the biggest influences. Dogs in the Vineyard Dogs has a lot of great design ideas, but the part that I’ve found has stuck and been the most “transportable” skill, is town creation. Dogs sets you up with the expected role of duties and […]

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