I want to be casting enlarge person with my Ranger, but for a variety of reasons Sword of the Arcane Order is awkward (low-Int, feat slots, can't take it 'til level 6, etc.). Can it be done without that feat, preferably at low-level?
I would like to know whether standing up or crouching down when you are in an enemy's attack range generates a reaction; would leaving their attack range would do so as well?
Assuming that a player casts "Fog Cloud" on himself and had monsters around him... How should combat proceed?
Can the monsters attack the player?
Can the player attack the monsters?
Reactions exits?
I'm nearing the end of Tyranny of Dragons, and I wanted the armies of all factions to reach the Well of Dragons, where the final battle ensues. Is there a way to quickly move thousands of units?
I looked at:
the Gate spell, but it last only 1 minute, so not really feasible; I'd have to claim eac...
The NPC Ezmerelda d'Avenir from Curse of Strahd has this Action(emphasis mine):
Curse (Recharges after a Long Rest). Ezmerelda targets one creature
that she can see within 30 feet of her. The target must succeed on a
DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be cursed. While cursed, the target has
In monster manual and Volo's Guide to Monsters there is a firbolg race with following racial trait:
Speech of Beast and Leaf. You have the ability to communicate in a limited manner with Beasts, Plants, and vegetation. They can understand the meaning of your words, though you have no special abi...
@Joshua LD50 is the amount that results in death 50% of the time. Usually for drug or material studies, but in this case it's aggressive kobold exposure.
So there has been this meme-story circulating over the internet where a noble says:"Make me a sword" and the wizard argues that he shouldn't get a save against being turned into a sword because he asked for it. I am aware that polymorph cannot actually change someone into an inanimate object but...